What is threat detection?

Threat detection is the practice of constantly monitoring network activity to find threats and indicators of compromise. This includes monitoring all the events associated with users, servers, databases, applications, endpoints, and other entities in the network. An efficient threat detection technique requires a combination of the following capabilities:

Threat intelligence: Monitoring events without threat intelligence is like looking for Waldo when you don't know what he looks like. Threat intelligence involves gathering threat feeds and correlating them with network activities to detect threats in the network.

Anomaly detection: User and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) uses machine learning to create dynamic baselines for user and entity behavior, and then detects events that deviate from that baseline.

Event correlation: This is the traditional rule-based threat detection system wherein events occurring within the entire network are analyzed and connected together to get a holistic view of the threat.

The sooner a threat is detected, the less damage done. Take a look at the three of the most prevalent types of cyberattacks: DDoS, ransomware and cryptojacking

Catch ransomware red-handed

Ransomware is a type of malware programmed to encrypt data spread throughout a network. Upon successful encryption of data, hackers demand a ransom to release the data. The common weapon that's used to spread the ransomware is phishing emails. Once a system is infected with this malware, it then moves laterally within the network by exploiting vulnerabilities. To combat ransomware, you need a tool that can detect it as soon as possible and stop it in its tracks.

Has your system been cryptojacked?

Cryptojacking is the unauthorized use of a computer resource to mine cryptocurrency. Cryptojacking software is usually delivered into the unsuspecting victim's system through a link in a phishing email. Once downloaded, the software will begin to use the machine's processing power to mine cryptocurrency. As the malware doesn't generally disrupt the normal functioning of the system, it can go undetected for months; for this reason, to detect cryptojacking software, you need a tool that can detect advanced persistent threats (APTs).

DDoS: Stay ahead of the bot army

In a DDoS attack, a hacker uses an army of computers or other smart devices, referred to as bots, to flood a server with requests, causing it to crash. This denies service to a lot of people, and has the potential to bring huge companies to their knees. There are many motives for DDoS attacks, mainly revenge or ransom.

A security information and event management (SIEM) solution like Log360, with its advanced threat detection capability, ensures around-the-clock protection to your network. Log360 uses machine learning-based UEBA and a real-time correlation engine to spot unusual activities and analyze them effectively to spot attacks in their early stages. Log360 keeps track of all the downloads and processes running on networked devices, enabling it to easily alert the admin of the presence of malware before any real damage is done.

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With Log360, you can:

  • Spot unusual user behavior instantly.
  • Get insights into security events with over 200 intuitive security audit reports.
  • Ensure the integrity of sensitive data stored in files, folders, and databases.
  • Audit privileged user activities, and get real-time alerts for anomalous events.
  • Get notifications for known indicators of compromises and attacks.
  • Ensure security of your cloud infrastructure (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS).

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