Unable to connect to Exchange


You are trying to set up your Exchange Server account in Conditional Exchange Access to fetch device details and get the error message 'Unable to connect to Exchange - Verify entered credentials and pre-requisites'


You might get this error message, due to the following:


Entered credentials are incorrect

Verify whether the Server FQDN and user name are entered in the specified format. 

Server Name : Enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the Server. Example: exchange.server.com

User Name : Enter the user name in the format <username@domainname.com>

'Basic Authentication' is not enabled in Exchange Server

In the system running Exchange Server, Open IIS Manager, select Sites from the left pane. Then select Default Website > PowerShell > Authentication. Enable 'Basic Authentication' option by selecting 'Enable' from the Actions menu in the right pane and click Apply.



Applies to: Device Management, Device Enrollment, Mailbox Access Management

Keywords: Conditional Exchange Access, Exchange Server not reachable, Exchange Server Admin

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