UKG Pro (formerly known as UltiPro)

Sync HR and IT with UKG Pro and ADManager Plus Integration.

  • Overview
  • Configuration
  • Build Integration

Integrating UKG Pro with AD using ADManager Plus enables IT teams to automate and streamline user identity lifecycle management, ensuring a seamless experience throughout onboarding to offboarding. Integrating UKG Pro with Active Directory not only bridges the gap between HR and IT but also enhances the efficiency and accuracy of your user lifecycle management, and reduces manual efforts and minimizing the risk of errors caused from manual intervention.


Automated user provisioning

Integrating UKG Pro with ADManager Plus results in a more streamlined and automated exchange of information between the HR and IT.


Increased productivity

Provide instant access to resources for new hires, and change or update group permissions.


Bi-directional sync

Helps maintain the accuracy of employee information across AD and other applications and systems.

How to configure UKG Pro settings in ADManager Plus:

  • Navigate to the Automation tab and select HCM Integrations.
  • Click UKG Pro listed under HCM applications.
  • The UKG Pro account details like Web Service Account Username, Web service account password, and Customer API Key can be entered in their respective fields under the Service Account Administration tab. Additional details like Company ID can be provided under the Advanced tab.
  • Click Test Connection and Save.
  • The Data Source - LDAP Attribute Mapping tab has settings that allow you to map the Active Directory attributes to the predefined Database Column name provided in the UKG Pro database. For example, if you want to map the 'givenName' attribute in Active Directory to the 'First_Name' attribute in the UKG Pro database, you can do so by selecting them under the respective drop down menu on either side of the '=' in the Attribute Mapping tab. Multiple attributes can be mapped similarly.
  • Click Add to save the settings.
Note: The Enable Integration button is turned on by default. Toggle it off to disable the UKG Pro integration.

Steps to automate user creation:

  • Click the Automation tab.
  • Select Automation from the left pane.
  • Click Create New Automation and configure the following:
    • Automation Name: Enter a name for the automation.
    • Description: Add a brief note about the automation.
    • Automation Category: Choose User Automation from the menu.
    • Select Domain: Select the domain/OUs where the automation should run. Child OUs can be eliminated by selecting the Exclude Child OU(s) option.
    • Automation Task/Policy: Select Create Users from the menu.
    • Template to be applied: Select the template to be applied for user creation.
    • Select Data Source: Click More Options beside the Location of CSV option. Select Oracle DB from the menu. Enable Ignore current records in DB to ignore the already processed records and consider only the unprocessed records in the Oracle table for user creation.
    • Select Config: Select a configuration from the menu. Or click Add New Configuration to add new configuration settings.
    • Implement Business Workflow: Select this option if the automation has to be executed through a workflow.
    • Execution Time: Configure the automation execution time and repeat the execution using the options: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or more.
Click Save to save the settings or Save & Run to save the settings and run the automation instantly.

Actions supported:

  • Create user accounts
  • Modify user attributes
  • Modify user accounts by template
  • Reset password
  • Unlock users
  • Disable users
  • Enable users
  • Delete users
  • Run custom scripts
  • Move users across groups
  • Add users to groups/Remove users from groups
  • Create mailbox
  • Disable or delete mailbox
  • Move home folder
  • Delete home folder
  • Revoke Microsoft 365 licenses
  • Manage user photos
  • Disable Lync accounts
  • Auto reply

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  • Eliminate any scope for error.
  • Save time and resources.
  • Expedite time-to-value.