AddMonitor APIs - Database Servers

This section explains how to use the AddMonitor API to add monitors of the category type 'Database Servers'. The following databases are supported:

Supported HTTP methods: POST

Allowed roles: Administrator




Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be db2.
username The user name of the user who has permission to access the DB2 database.
host The name of the host in which DB2 is running.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the DB2 database.
port The port number where DB2 is running.
instance The database/instance name.
useSSL Indicates whether SSL is enabled for the DB2 server. (true or false)
netmask Indicates the subnet mask value. This is an optional field.

Sample Request

https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee &type=db2&displayname=appmanagerdb2&username=admin&host=app-xp4&password=appman&port=50000&instance=SAMPLEDB&useSSL=true&netmask=

IBM DB2 for i



Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be AS400DB2.
username The user name of the user who has permission to access the DB2 for i database.
HostName The name of the host in which DB2 for i database is running.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the DB2 for i database.
useSSL Indicates whether SSL is enabled for the DB2 for i server. (true or false)
netmask The subnet mask value. This is an optional field.

Sample Request

https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee &type=db2&displayname=appmanagerdb2&username=admin&HostName=app-xp4&password=appman&netmask=

IBM Informix


https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=type&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&host=[HOST]&port=[PORT]&informixserver=[DATABASE SERVER NAME]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be Informix.
username The user name of the user who has permission to access the Informix database.
host The name of the host in which the Informix database is running.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the Informix database..
port The port number where the Informix database is running.
instance The database/instance name.
informixserver The name of your Informix server. By default, the name will be ol_machinename.

Sample Request





Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be Memcached.
host The name of the host in which Memcached server is running.
port The port number where Memcached server is running.
Transaction Denotes if transaction test is enabled or not. Value should be either yes or no

Sample Request




https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=[TYPE]&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME] &username=[USERNAME]&host=[HOST]&password=[PASSWORD]&port=[PORT]&namedInstance=[true/false]&instance=[INSTANCE]&authentication=[AUTHENTICATION]&encryption=[true/false]&kerberos=[true/false]&driverType=[microsoftjdbcdriver/jtdsjdbcdriver]&netmask=[SUBNETMASK]

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be ms sql.
username The name of the user who has permission to access the MS SQL server.
host The name of the host in which MS SQL is running.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the MS SQL server.
port The port number where MS SQL is running.
instance The database/instance name. This is optional field.
authentication The authentication type. Value should be either SQL or Windows.
namedIntance If the SQL server is a named instance, this value will be true.
encryption If 'Force Encryption' is enabled in the server, this value will be true.
kerberos Indicates whether Kerberos Authentication is enabled in the server. (True or False)
driverType The driverType has to be mentioned as microsoftjdbcdriver or jtdsjdbcdriver in order to choose the required driver for connecting to the database for data collection. This is optional and the default driver is microsoftjdbcdriver.
netmask Indicates the subnet mask value. This is an optional field.

Note: If you are adding SQL Server 2008 or 2008 R2 version, then the value for driverType option should be jtdsjdbcdriver since support for SQL 2008 & 2008 R2 has been removed in the current version of Microsoft JDBC Driver.

Sample Request

https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee&type=MS SQL&displayname=appmanagermssql&username=admin&host=app-xp2&password=appman&port=1433&namedInstance=true&instance=MSSQLSERVER&authentication=SQL&encryption=true&kerberos=true&driverType=jtdsjdbcdriver&netmask=




Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be mysql.
username The name of the user who has permission to access the MySQL server.
host The name of the host in which MySQL is running.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the MySQL server.
port The port number where MySQL is running.
instance The database/instance name. This is optional field.
authentication The authentication type. Value should be SQL
useSSL Enabling this option will force the server to authenticate in both ways (i.e client-auth and server-auth). This is optional.
netmask Indicates the subnet mask value. This is an optional field.
mysqlDriverType The type of driver used to connect to the MySQL server. Value should be mariadbdriver or mysqldriver.

Sample Request





Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be oracle.
username The name of the user who has permission to access the Oracle database.
host The name of the host in which Oracle is running.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the Oracle database.
port The port number where Oracle is running.
instance The database/instance name. This is optional field.
SSLEnabled True if the SSL is enabled otherwise the value is false.
discoverPDB Option to enable discovery and monitoring of Pluggable Database(s). (yes or no)
oracleSocketTimeout Socket Read Timeout value for database connection. Default value is 300 seconds.
oracleQueryTimeout Query Execution Timeout value during data collection query execution. Default value is 60 seconds.
netmask Indicates the subnet mask value. This is an optional field.

Sample Request


Oracle RAC



Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be oracleRAC.
username The name of the user who has permission to access the Oracle RAC server.
host The name of the host in which Oracle RAC server is running.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the Oracle RAC server.
port The port number where Oracle Scan Listener is running.
instance The database/instance name to be monitored. This is optional field.
SSLEnabled Indicates whether SSL is enabled for the server. (true or false)
mapExistingOracleInstances Option to map all the exiting RAC Type Oracle Monitors to the RAC monitor. Default value will be 'Yes'. (Yes or No)
discoverPDB Option to enable discovery and monitoring of Pluggable Database(s). (yes or no)
discoverOracleRACNodes Option to discover and monitor all the Oracle RAC nodes as Server monitors. (yes or no)
oracleSocketTimeout Socket Read Timeout value for database connection. Default value is 300 seconds.
oracleQueryTimeout Query Execution Timeout value during data collection query execution. Default value is 60 seconds.
netmask Indicates the subnet mask value. This is an optional field.

Sample Request


Oracle NoSQL



Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

apikey API key to create the Oracle NoSQL monitor
type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be OracleNoSQL.
displayname Display name of the Oracle NoSQL monitor
hostname The name of the host in which Oracle NoSQL is running.
port The port number where Oracle is running.
username The name of the user who has permission to access the Oracle NoSQL database.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the Oracle NoSQL database.
JNDIPath JNDI path to be used. Default value is /jmxrmi. This is an optional field.

Sample Request





Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be PostgreSQL.
host The name of the host in which PostgreSQL is running.
port The port number where PostgreSQL is running.
username The name of the user who has permission to access the PostgreSQL database.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the PostgreSQL database.
instance The database/instance name. This is optional field.


True if the SSL is enabled otherwise the value is false.

Sample Request


Sybase ASE/SAP ASE/Sybase SQL Server



Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be SYBASE-DB-server.
host The name of the host in which Sybase is running.
port The port number where Sybase is running.
username The name of the user who has permission to access the Sybase database.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the Sybase database.
instance The database/instance name. This is optional field.
jconnect Option to connect using JConnect to collect data. (true or false)
netmask Indicates the subnet mask value. This is an optional field.

Sample Request

https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee &type=SYBASE-DB-server&displayname=appmanagersybase&username=admin&host=app-xp3&password=appman&port=5000&instance=master&jconnect=true&netmask=



To Monitor OnPremise System:

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=SapHana&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&host=[HOST]&isOndemand=false&port=[PORT]&dbUser=[DB_USERNAME]&dbPassword=[DB_PASSWORD]&instance=[INSTANCE]&timeout=[Connection timeout]

To Monitor OnDemand System:

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=SapHana&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&host=[HOST]&isOndemand=true&accountName=[ACCOUNT_NAME]&username=[USER_NAME]&password=[ACCOUNT_PASSWORD]&dbUser=[DB_USERNAME]&dbPassword=[DB_PASSWORD]&instance=[INSTANCE]&timeout=[Connection timeout]

Request Parameters

Host Hostname/ Landscape Host
Port IndexServer SQL Port. Default 30015. [Required only for On Premise Setup]
isOndemand Value is true for On Demand setup, false for On Premise setup.
accountName On demand CLoud Account Name. [Required only for On demand Setup]
username UserName for the cloud account. [Required only for On demand Setup]
password Password for the cloud account. [Required only for On demand Setup]
dbUser Database User Name
dbPassword Database Password
instance Instance Name
timeout Connection Timeout. Default value is 20 seconds.

Sample Request





Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below.Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

apikey API key to create the HBase monitor
type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be HBase
displayname Display name of the HBase monitor
hostname The name of the host in which HBase is running.
port The port number where HBase is running.
username The name of the user who has permission to access the HBase database.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the HBase database.
JNDIPath JNDI path to be used

Sample Request




https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=Cassandra&displayname=Cassandra&host=[Host Name]&port=[Port Number]&discoverclusternodes=[non mandatory column, if given the value should be 'Yes']&authRequired=[non mandatory column, if given the value should be 'true']&username=[username]&password=[password]

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be Cassandra.
host The name of the host in which Cassandra database is running.
port The port number where Cassandra database is running.
username The name of the user who has permission to access the Cassandra database.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the Cassandra database.
discoverclusternodes Specify if the Cluster Nodes must be discovered. Value can be YES/NO. This column is not mandatory.
authRequired Specify if authentication is required. Value can be True/False.

Sample Request




For Default Authentication:

http://[host]:[port]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[apikey]&type=Redis&host=[host]&port=[port]&discoverclusternodes=[non mandatory column, if given the value should be 'Yes']&displayname=[displayname]&AuthenticationType=[DefaultAuth]&password=[password]

For ACL Authentication:

http://[host]:[port]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[apikey]&type=Redis&host=[host]&port=[port]&discoverclusternodes=[non mandatory column, if given the value should be 'Yes']&displayname=[displayname]&AuthenticationType=[ACLAuth]&username=[username]&password=[password]

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be Redis.
host The name of the host in which Redis is running.
port The port number where Redis is running.
username The name of the user who has permission to access the Redis database.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the Redis database.
discoverclusternodes Specify if the Cluster Nodes must be discovered. Value can be YES/NO. This column is not mandatory.
AuthenticationType Specify the type of authentication. Value can be DefaultAuth/ACLAuth.

Sample Request

For Default Authentication:

http://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee&type=Redis&host=[non mandatory column, if given the value should be 'Yes']&displayname=redis&AuthenticationType=[DefaultAuth]&password=appman

For ACL Authentication:

http://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee&type=Redis&host=[non mandatory column, if given the value should be 'Yes']&displayname=Redis&AuthenticationType=[ACLAuth]&username=admin&password=appman



https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=MongoDB&displayname=MongoDB&host=[Host Name]&port=[Port Number]&discoverchildren=[non mandatory column, if given the value should be 'Yes']&authRequired=[non mandatory column, if given the value should be 'true']&username=[username]&password=[password]&sslenabled=[sslenabled]

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be MongoDB.
host The name of the host in which MongoDB is running.
port The port number where MongoDB is running.
username The name of the user who has permission to access the Mongo database.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the Mongo database.
discoverclusternodes Specify if the Cluster Nodes must be discovered. Value can be YES/NO. This column is not mandatory.
authRequired Specify if authentication is required. Value can be True/False.
sslenabled Specify if SSL is enabled or not. Value can be true/false.
discoverchildren Values can be true/false.

Sample Request





Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be CouchBase.
displayname The display name of the Couchbase database.
host The name of the host in which CouchBase is running.
port The port number where CouchBase is running.
username The name of the user who has permission to access the CouchBase database. This is an optional field.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the CouchBase database. This is an optional field.

Sample Request




https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[ API KEY ]&type=Neo4j&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&HostName=[Host]&Port=[Port]&UserName=[UserName]&Password=[Password]&DiscoverNode=yes/no

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be Neo4j.
HostName The name of the host in which Neo4j is running.
Port The bolt port number where Neo4j is running.
UserName The name of the user who has permission to access the Neo4j database.
Password The password of the user who has permission to access the Neo4j database.
DiscoverNode Specify if the Cluster Nodes must be discovered. Value can be YES/NO. This column is not mandatory.

Sample Request


SQL Anywhere



Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be SQLAnywhere-DB-server.
displayname Display name of the monitor.
username The name of the user who has permission to access the SQL Anywhere database.
host The name of the host in which SQL Anywhere server is running.
Password The password of the user who has permission to access the SQL Anywhere database.
port The port number where SQL Anywhere is running. Default port is 2638.

Sample Request


Sybase Replication Server


https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=[TYPE]&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME] &username=[USERNAME]&host=[HOST]&password=[PASSWORD]&port=[PORT]&instance=[INSTANCE]&netmask=[SUBNETMASK]

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be SYBASE-Replication-server.
host The name of the host in which Sybase Replication server is running.
port The port number where Sybase Replication server is running.
username The name of the user who has permission to access the Sybase Replication server.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the Sybase Replication server.
instance The database/instance name of the Sybase Replication server.
netmask Indicates the subnet mask value. This is an optional field.

Sample Request


Dameng DB


http:// [Host]:[Port]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=DamengDB&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&host=[HOST]&port=[PORT]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&timeout=[Connection Timeout]

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the database you want to add. Value should be DamengDB.
displayname Display name of the monitor
host The name of the host in which Dameng DB server is running.
port The port number where Dameng database is running. Default value is 5237.
username The name of the user who has permission to access the Dameng database.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the Dameng database.
timeout Timeout value for database connection. Default value is 40 seconds.

Sample Request
