Case Study

Granular reporting of Exchange Reporter Plus helped IBTS gain real-time visibility on Exchange data.

Company : Institute for Building Technology and Safety (IBTS)
Industry : Construction
Location : Ashburn, Virginia.
About the Company
The Institute for Building Technology and Safety (IBTS) is a non-profit organization providing professional building code compliance services like inspections, plan reviews, cost evaluations, energy ratings and auditing among members of the government, industry and business, as well as consumers. IBTS mainly strives for increasing the awareness of building technology and safety to provide safe and affordable residential and commercial structures. For over 30 years, IBTS has been helping local governments provide high-quality and cost-effective services.
About Exchange Reporter Plus
Exchange Reporter Plus is a reporting, change auditing, monitoring, and content search tool for hybrid Exchange environments and Skype for Business. It features over 450 comprehensive reports on various Exchange objects such as mailboxes, public folders, and distribution lists, and also on Outlook Web Access and ActiveSync. It accomplishes granular auditing, monitors Exchange services and endpoints, and helps perform instant mailbox content search.

Business Challenge

IBTS was able to mine the basic Exchange statistics with the basic cmdlets and scripting. However, it was not the good-to-know information that they were after; rather IBTS found itself in a position where it needed a more granular level of reporting, using which informed decisions could be made in the direction of continued and efficient email communication.

For example, beyond the overall count of mails sent to Internet; detailed data on the count of mails sent to Internet towards a specific domain or by a specific user could provide increased clarity on the Exchange environment.

The Exchange Reporter Plus solution

  • With over 450+ reports, Exchange Reporter Plus offered a critical view of all the important aspects of an Exchange system ranging from Mailboxes, Email traffic, Traffic towards Internet and many more.
  • With the granularity option, Exchange Reporter Plus provided the much-needed flexibility to change the views from summary to daily or hourly granular levels. Thus it was now possible for IBTS to get a holistic perspective on the Exchange environment with the option to get drilled down data that aided in in-depth reporting.
  • To help in further analysis of data, Exchange Reporter Plus also supported automatic scheduling and exporting of reports to desired formats like xls, csv, pdf and html.

Results Experienced

With Exchange Reporter Plus, IBTS experienced an easy and cost-effective deployment. Without having to worry about remembering huge PowerShell commands, IBTS now found it very easy to get the much-needed Exchange insights with just few mouse clicks.

All the more, Exchange Reporter Plus also helped IBTS to stay well within their IT budget. By adding yet another Zoho product to their kitty, IBTS is another happy customer.

Exchange Reporter Plus trusted by

A single pane of glass for Exchange Server Monitoring, Reporting and Auditing
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