How to configure External PGSQL Database?

Caution: Please take a COPY of pgsql from ' <installation directory="">\ManageEngine\Exchange Reporter Plus' to avoid accidental data loss.</installation>

Steps to Configure Database:

  1. Copy pgsql folder to the destination locaiton.
  2. Edit pg_hba.conf located at <installation directory>\ManageEngine\Exchange Reporter Plus\pgsql\data\pg_hba.conf

    At the "IPv$ local connections:" session, add the following entries:

    host all all <IP of the machine in which the ERP is installed> trust

  3. Open pgsql\data\postgresql.conf Search for #listen_address='localhost' and replace it with listen_address='<IP address to listen>'
  4. Open Exchange Reporter Plus home folder and navigate to bin (C:\ManageEngine\ExchangeReporterPlus\bin\setcommonenv.bat)
  5. Search for set DB_HOME=%SERVER_HOME%\pgsql and replace it with admin share path of pgsql folder.

    Eg: If the pgsql is copied to C:\DbBackup\pgsql, the admin share path would be \\<ip of pgsql machine>\c$\DbBackup\pgsql

    Note:The remote pgsql installation will work only if the admin share is accessible from the machine where Exchange Reporter Plus is installed.


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