Firewall Analyzer lets you to administer the triggered alerts, so that the network administrators take care of the triggered alerts and carry out remediation if required.
The triggered Alerts can be administered by the users. You can assign owner to a particular Alert, add or view Note for a particular Alert, view the history of the Alert from the time of trigger.
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Manage your firewall rules for optimum performance. Anomaly free, properly ordered rules make your firewall secured. Audit the firewall security and manage the rule/config changes to strengthen the security.
Integrated compliance management system automates your firewall compliance audits. Ready made reports available for the major regulatory mandates such as PCI-DSS, ISO 27001, NIST, NERC-CIP, and SANS.
Unlock the wealth of network security information hidden in the firewall logs. Analyze the logs to find the security threats faced by the network. Also, get the Internet traffic pattern for capacity planning.
With live bandwidth monitoring, you can identify the abnormal sudden shhot up of bandwidth use. Take remedial measures to contain the sudden surge in bandwidth consumption.