Configure Huawei Firewalls

    Syslog Configuration for Huawei Firewall

    Connect to Huawei GUI and follow the steps below:

    1. Navigate to System → Log Configuration.
    2. In the Configure Syslog section:
      • Set the Log Host IP Address by specifying the IP address and port of the Firewall Analyzer.
    3. In the Configure Session Logs section:
      • Choose Log Format as Syslog.
      • Set Syslog Format to either Default or MTN.
      • Specify the Log Host IP Address and port of the Firewall Analyzer.
    4. In the Configure Service Logs section, select Syslog.
    5. Click Apply to save the changes.

    Huawei Firewalls will now be configured Firewall Analyzer.

    For more information, refer the Huawei documentation.

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