Proxy Server Reports - Website Details Reports

    The Website Details section includes reports that show the top domains, web sites, and web pages that were accessed using the proxy server. 

    The Top Web Sites report lists the top web sites that were accessed through this proxy server. This report classifies web sites based on the number of bytes that were transferred by a single user. Drill down from this graph to see the following details: 

    Report Description
    Top Users The top users and the respective hosts accessing this web site
    Top URLs The top web pages accessed within this web site
    Cache Usage - Cache Code The cache usage by web pages in this web site, based on cache code

    The Top Domains report lists the top domains that were accessed through this proxy server. Drill down from this graph to see the following details: 

    Report Description
    Top Users The top users and the respective hosts accessing this domain
    Top URLs The top web pages accessed within this domain
    Cache Usage - Cache Code The cache usage by web sites in this domain, based on cache code

    The Top Web Pages report lists the top web pages or URL's that were accessed through this proxy server, along with the number of hits and the total traffic sent to each web page, in bytes. This report classifies web pages based on the number of bytes that were transferred by a single user.

    The Top Denied Users report lists the top users whose requests were denied by this proxy server. Drill down from this graph to see the top denied requests for each user.

    The Top Denied Requests report shows the top requests that were denied by the proxy server.

    The Proxy Virus report lists the viruses which found the way through this proxy server along with virus, host, count, and %hits. Drill down from this graph/table to see the formatted logs and raw logs search results. The formatted logs search results display the following columns, host, destination, status, protocol, and time. The raw logs search results display the raw log entries.