Automate and simplify FISMA compliance using DataSecurity Plus

The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2002 and the Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) of 2014 enforce stringent standards to ensure the security, confidentiality, and integrity of United States federal property and information. These acts mandate that all federal agencies, along with their contractors, service providers, and any organizations that operate government IT systems, follow certain policies, procedures, and processes to mitigate ever-growing data threats.

DataSecurity Plus Dashboard
 DataSecurity Plus Audit Report

Become FISMA compliant using DataSecurity Plus

DataSecurity Plus' audit tool helps you streamline your organization's network security, and detect and respond to potential threats, through continuous monitoring and reporting of all activities on your file server. You can use DataSecurity Plus' automated, actionable audit reports to achieve and maintain compliance with federal standards.

Below is a list of reports you can use to prove that your organization is compliant.

file server fisma compliance tool
FISMA standards DataSecurity Plus report or alert
Track all modifications to files in order to assess risks to data integrity and resolve violations, if any. All file/folder changes report
Deleted/overwritten files report
Security permission changes report
Most modified file report
File modified after N days report
Create events report
Renamed/moved events report
Periodically review all attempts to access critical data, including both successful and failed attempts. All failed attempts report
Read events report
Most accessed file report
Most accesses by processes/user report
Files accessed after N days report
Review access rights and file permissions periodically to ensure that no excessive permissions are assigned. NTFS permissions report
Share permissions report
Utilize customizable alerts to quickly detect any user actions that violate your data protection policies. File/folder moved or renamed alert
File/folder security changes alert
File/folder removed alert
Media files alert
Periodically examine file storage to verify that data stored is relevant, required, and does not exceed the requirements defined in your data retention policy. Old files report
Stale files report
Unmodified files report
Large files report
Hidden files report
Non-business files report
Use preconfigured alerts to detect and respond quickly to potential data breaches. Ransomware file alert
Threshold-based alert

* You can also generate customized reports based on file path, users, business hours, etc.

Disclaimer: Fully complying with the FISMA requires a variety of solutions, processes, people, and technologies. This page is provided for informational purpose only and should not be considered as legal advice for FISMA compliance. ManageEngine makes no warranties, express, implied, or statutory, as to the information in this material.

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