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    Ensure least privilege

    Generate instant reports on effective permissions assigned to shared files and folders.

    Quick forensics
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    Build an incident response plan

    Disconnect a rogue user's session, shut down malware-infected systems, block USB devices, or choose from multiple other available remediation options.

    reconfigured security
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    Locate sensitive data

    Discover and classify high value corporate data across Windows file servers, failover clusters, and Office 365 environments.

    Audit-ready reporting
  • Track data access

    Perform real-time file access auditing across Windows file servers and failover clusters with in-depth details on who accessed what, when, and from where.

  • Detect access anomalies

    Spot, notify about, and respond to sudden spikes in high-risk file actions such as deletion, permission change, and copy paste, as they could indicate privilege abuse.

  • Monitor file integrity

    Maintain a complete audit trail of changes made to your critical data, and maintain the necessary security, compliance, and operational standards.

  • Perform risk assessments

    Find corporate data that's the most vulnerable to security attacks such as files with open access, with inconsistent permissions, or owned by stale users.

Experience advanced data security and visibility with DataSecurity Plus.

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