We'll let you know once the beta is good to go.

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    Blocklist specific USB devices

    Maintain a list of USB devices you wish to block using the device instant path of the devices and enforce the policy across groups of endpoints.

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    Lock down USB ports

    Choose to completely prevent users from accessing USB media devices by blocking USB ports for all users.

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    Track important USB events

    Keep an eye on file activities made in USB drives to effectively identify unauthorized file exfiltration.

  • Block suspicious USBs

    Control the USB flash drives used by individuals. Specify which portable drives need to be blocked and allow only authorized devices via a USB devices blocklist.

  • Make USBs read-only

    Regulate the actions that can be performed by users within USB devices. Make devices read-only or deny specific actions, like modification of files or execution of applications.

  • Enforce USB data protection policy

    Restrict unauthorized file transfers to USB devices to prevent exfiltration of data. Monitor and streamline removable storage media use to thwart potential data leaks.

  • Trigger timely alerts

    Track user actions closely to spot malicious insider activity. Be notified of user actions via alerts that are triggered based on create, modify, and delete file events made in USB devices.

Regulate the use of removable storage media with our data leak prevention solution.