We'll let you know once the beta is good to go.

  • 1
    Control user actions in USBs

    Specify to what extent users have access to USBs. Define whether users can or cannot read and write files, or execute applications in USBs.

    Control user actions in USBs
  • 1
    Respond to unauthorized actions

    Block high-risk thumb drives when they register sudden spikes in file access, data movements, and more.

    Respond to unauthorized actions
  • 1
    Restrict use of unauthorized USBs

    Add device instance path of USBs to the block-listed devices inventory to automatically block them across all endpoints.

    Restrict use of unauthorized USBs
  • Deny high-risk USB actions

    Invalidate removable drives use to stop files in USBs being opened or modified, and to block unknown application executables from being run.

  • Authorize safe devices only

    Enable employees to use only the secure USB drives authorized by you. Effectively block unauthorized devices specified by you in the block-list configuration.

  • Block all peripheral devices

    Control which peripheral devices can be used within your organization. Allow or stop bluetooth devices, Wi-Fi routers, and more.

  • Grant read-only access to users

    Control the use of USB drives by granting users only minimum access to reading files on the drives. Block write access to USB drives, preventing data transfers to the drives.

Enforce use of authorized USB drives and ensure safe data exchange with our data leak prevention software.

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