How to monitor employee internet usage with DataSecurity Plus

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Monitoring and managing employees' internet activity at the workplace eliminates distractions, reinforces security policies, and ensures that company resources are being used appropriately. It also helps create an audit trail that can be used as evidence in case of security violations and potential litigation. A streamlined employee monitoring system can increase productivity, reduce security risks, and provide better employee accountability.

ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus gives you a detailed report on the list of websites and cloud applications accessed by individual devices. Follow the steps below to configure your gateway servers and start monitoring the internet usage of your employees' devices.

Steps to monitor internet activity in your office network:

How to monitor employee internet usage with DataSecurity Plus
  1. Open the DataSecurity Plus web console.
  2. Select Cloud Protection from the apps drop-down at the top.
  3. Go to the Reports tab.
  4. On the left-hand side menu, click Top Actors x Cloud Apps under General to display the list of websites accessed by most active users, along with the count, upload, and download activity information.

Note: The gateway servers must be configured before you can generate any reports. Follow the instructions here to configure them.

How to monitor employee internet usage with DataSecurity Plus
  1. You can also find:
  2. A. Cloud apps that are accessed by your employees but are not in your organization's sanctioned or banned list through Recent Shadow Apps Request under Shadow Cloud Apps.

    B. Access attempts made for cloud apps banned by your organization by clicking Recent Banned Apps Requests under Banned Cloud Apps.

    C. Unsecure websites accessed by users through Recent Plain HTTP Requests under General.

Steps to configure gateway servers

How to monitor employee internet usage with DataSecurity Plus
  1. Select Cloud Protection from the apps drop-down at the top.
How to monitor employee internet usage with DataSecurity Plus
  1. Navigate to the Configuration tab and click Gateway Servers under Server on the left.
  2. Click + Add Gateway Server at the top-right corner.
How to monitor employee internet usage with DataSecurity Plus
  1. On the Deployment Type page, click Go either for the production environment or test environment, based on your requirement.
How to monitor employee internet usage with DataSecurity Plus
  1. On the Server Configuration page, enter an Alias to identify the server, followed by the computer name where the server will run and its port number. Click Next.
How to monitor employee internet usage with DataSecurity Plus
  1. On the SSL Configuration page, select Enable as the preferred Mode for deep packet inspection.
  2. Note: Deep packet inspection analyzes network traffic at a granular level, examining the content of individual data packets. In contrast, a shallow packet inspection only monitors the header information, such as source IP address, destination IP address, and port number.

  3. Select an existing certificate authority (CA) certificate or create a new CA certificate.
  4. Ensure that all TLS versions are enabled and click Next.
How to monitor employee internet usage with DataSecurity Plus
  1. On the Proxy Chain page, change the proxy settings if your server needs to connect to another proxy server for connecting to the internet. Otherwise, leave it as No Proxy. Click Next.
  2. Review the summary and click Save.

Once gateway servers are configured, you can start generating the above-mentioned reports.

Furthermore, if you want to block employees from accessing high-risk and inappropriate websites in the workplace, follow the steps here.

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