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  • How to find my current build no?
    Please enter valid build number
    Latest build number is 6200
    You’re using the latest build
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Your DataSecurity Plus instance is outdated.

We recommend users to move to the latest version, i.e., DataSecurity Plus build 6200 for smooth functioning and frictionless experience.

Upgrade now

How can we help you?

Need help upgrading the product?

No problem, just fill out the form on the left side of the page and one of our technical experts will help.

 Explore our help center

Follow the detailed step-by-step instructions on how to set up, install, and configure the various modules.

 Do you need new features?

Share your ideas for new and improved features in DataSecurity Plus and we will look into implementing them.

 Request a personalized demo

Don't just take our word. See DataSecurity Plus in action with a quick walk-through with our team of solution experts.

 Engage with the community

Share your questions and ideas with other DataSecurity Plus evaluators, customers, and product development team members.

 Telephone number
US: +1 844 245 1101
CN: +86 400 660 8680
Aus: 1800 631 268
UK: 0800 028 6590
Intl: +1 925 924 9500
Call Toll Free : +1-888-720-9500
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