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Integration Errors between Endpoint Central MSP and ConnectWise PSA


This knowledge base article provides troubleshooting steps for common errors that may occur during the integration process between Endpoint Central MSP and ConnectWise PSA. Integration issues can hinder the proper functioning of the system.

Below are the main types of errors and their resolutions:

1. Server Not Reachable


When attempting to connect to ConnectWise PSA, the server may not be reachable, or the server URL may be incorrect.


Check server URL:

  1. Ensure that the server URL entered during integration is accurate.
  2. Double-check for any typos or missing characters in the URL.

Server Availability:

  1. Confirm that the ConnectWise PSA server is operational and accessible.
  2. Contact your IT team or ConnectWise support if the server is down.

2. Company Name is Incorrect


The company name (org name) provided during integration is incorrect, causing mapping issues.


  1. Correct it if the name is incorrect or misspelled.

3. Invalid Credentials


Integration fails due to incorrect private key/public key, or an incorrect client ID.


  1. Verify the accuracy of private key and public key used for integration.
  2. Confirm that the correct client ID is being used.

4. Insufficient Permissions


The "insufficient permissions" error occurs when the user configuring the integration between Endpoint Central MSP and ConnectWise PSA lacks the necessary permissions to perform certain actions within the integration.


For detailed instructions on configuring the correct permissions for the ConnectWise integration, refer to this documentation.

5. ConnectWise Internal Error


An internal error has occurred on the ConnectWise side. This error is beyond the control of Endpoint Central MSP and must be resolved at the ConnectWise end.


Try the integration again later, as the issue may be temporary. If the error persists, contact ConnectWise support for assistance in resolving the internal error.