Patch Download Failure - "Checksum Failed"
You are trying to download patches of Microsoft /other vendors. However the process fails after the installable file is downloaded.
'Checksum Failed' could happen if the download process was not successful or the downloaded installable is incomplete.
- Re-download the installable file
(select the Patch ID under Patch Mgmt>Downloaded Patches> click on Re-download patches)
- The downloaded Patch will be stored in the same location (Which is displayed under Downloaded patches)
- <PatchID-PatchName> will be the format of the Downloaded Patch.
- After downloading the patch ,try to install the file manually by double clicking the installable file.
- If the downloaded file is installable and inspite of it, the problem still persists, upload the server logs and the patch from the store.
Applies to: Patch Deployment Failure, Patch Download Failure, checksum Failed
Keywords: Problem while downloading the patch from server, Patch Installation Failure