Option CodeOption nameDescriptionData typeSupportedIs Predefined?GrammarExample
1client-idClient Identifier (DUID of client)string11stringExample : string_id_value
2server-idServer Identifier (DUID of server)string11stringExample : string_id_value
3ia-naIdentity Association for non-temporary addresses - includes the IAID, TI time, T2 time, and additional options for the IA for non-temporary addresses. Identity Association for Temporary addresses - includes the IAID and additional options for this IA for temporary addresses.quoted_string11stringExample : string_value
4ia-taIdentity association for temporary addresses- includes the IAID and additional options for this IA for temporary addresses.quoted_string11stringExample : string_value
5ia-addrIA Address option - specifies IPv6 addresses and associated preferred lifetime, valid lifetime, and options associated with an IA_NA or IA_TA. As such, this option may only appear as an option to the DHCPv6 message option OPTION_IA_TA or OPTION_IA_NA.quoted_string11stringExample : string_value
6oroOption Request Option - used by clients to list option codes for which values are requested or by servers in a Reconfigure message to indicate which options the client should request in its subsequent Renew or Information- Request message.uint1611uint16 [, uint6... ]Range : 0-65535
Example : 1024,1024,..,etc
7preferencePreference setting by the server to facilitate client selection of DHCP server. The amount of time since the client began the current DHCP transaction in hundredths of a second. Clients are required to use this option.uint811uint8Range : 0-255
Example : 123
8elapsed-timeThe amount of time since the client began the current DHCP transaction in hundredths of a second. Clients are required to use this option.uint1611uint16Range : 0-65535
Example : 1024
9relay-msgThe DHCP message being relayed by a relay agent.quoted_string11stringExample : string_value
11authThe auth DHCPv6 option is used for authentication in DHCPv6 communications. It ensures that DHCP servers and clients are verified to prevent unauthorized configurations and access. This option includes details like the authentication protocol, algorithm, and a method to detect replay attacks, providing a secure DHCPv6 environment.string01

12unicastServer unicast option indicates the IP address to which the client may unicast messages to this server.ipv6address11ip6-addressType : ipv6
Example : 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:
13status-codeStatus code option indicates a 2-byte status code and variable length status message. This option may be used as a DHCP message option or as an option within another DHCP message optionstring01status-code [ string ]
14rapid-commitRapid commit option - enables a client to request a direct Reply message from the server with an IP address and parameters, bypassing the Advertise and Request messages.flag01flagvalues : true or false or on or off
Example : true
15user-classUser class option - analogous to user class in DHCPv4 in assisting the server in making address assignment decisions.string01

16vendor-classVendor class option - analogous to vendor class in DHCPv4 in conveying the vendor or manufacturer of the device or interface to assist the server in making address assignment decisions. The vendor class option includes the IANA-assigned Enterprise Number for the vendor.quoted_string01

17vendor-optsVendor specific information - this option includes the IANA-assigned Enterprise Number as well as one or more options, each defined with option code, length, and value.quoted_string11stringExample : string_value
18interface-idInterface ID option - used by relay agents to convey the agent's interface ID on which the client message was received. This option may only appear in RELAY-FORW messages, and when it does, it is copied by the server to the RELAYREPL message.string11stringExample : string_id_value
19reconf-msgReconfigure Message option - for use in the Reconfigure message to inform the client which message to use to reconfigure: either Renew or Information-Request.quoted_string01dhcpv6-messageExample : string_dhcpv6_message
20reconf-acceptReconfigure Accept option - the client populates this option if it is willing to accept Reconfigure messages from the server.flag01flagvalues : true or false or on or off
Example : true
21sip-servers-namesSIP Servers Domain Names option - lists domain names of the SIP outbound proxy servers that the client can use.string11domain-listExample : "domainname1.com, domainname2.com,..,etc"
22sip-servers-addressesSIP Servers IPv6 Address List option - lists the IPv6 addresses of the SIP outbound proxy servers that the client can use.ipv6address11ip6-address [, ip6-address ... ]Type : ipv6
Example : 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:, 2001:db8::1234:5678:5.6,..,etc
23name-serversDNS Recursive Name Server Option - lists IPv6 address(es) of DNS recursive name servers to which DNS queries may be sent by the client resolver in order of preference.ipv6address11ip6-address [, ip6-address ... ]Type : ipv6
Example : 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:, 2001:db8::1234:5678:5.6,..,etc
24domain-searchDomain Search List option - provides a domain search list for client use when resolving hostnames via DNS.string11domain-listExample : "domainname1.com, domainname2.com,..,etc"
25ia-pdIdentity Association for Prefix Delegation - includes the IAID, T1 time, T2 time and additional options for the IA_PD, including the associated prefix(es) defined within option code 26.quoted_string11stringExample : string_value
26ia-prefixIA_PD Prefix option - specifies the IPv6 prefixes associated with the IA_PD, along with associated options and preferred and valid lifetimes. This option may only appear as an option to the DHCPv6 message option OPTION_IA PD. The prefix is specified with an 8-bit prefix length and a 128-bit IPv6 prefix.quoted_string11stringExample : string_value
27nis-serversNetwork Information Service (NIS) Servers - ordered list of NIS servers by IPv6 address available to the clientipv6address11ip6-address [, ip6-address ... ]Type : ipv6
Example : 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:, 2001:db8::1234:5678:5.6,..,etc
28nisp-serversOPTION_NISP_SERVERS Network Information Service v2 (NIS+) Servers - ordered list of NIS+ servers by IPv6 address available to the client.ipv6address11ip6-address [, ip6-address ... ]Type : ipv6
Example : 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:, 2001:db8::1234:5678:5.6,..,etc
29nis-domain-nameNetwork Information Service (NIS) domain name - NIS domain name to be used by the client.quoted_string11domain-nameExample : domainname.com
30nisp-domain-nameOPTION_NISP_DOMAIN_ Network Information Service v2 (NIS+) domain name - NIS+ domain name to be used by the clientquoted_string11domain-nameExample : domainname.com
31sntp-serversSimple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) servers - ordered list of SNTP servers by IPv6 address available to the client.ipv6address11ip6-address [, ip6-address ... ]Type : ipv6
Example : 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:, 2001:db8::1234:5678:5.6,..,etc
32info-refresh-timeInformation Refresh Option - specifies the upper bound of the number or seconds from the current time that a client should wait before refreshing information received from the DHCPv6 server, particularly for stateless DHCPv6 scenarios.uint3211uint32Range : 0-4,294,967,295
Example : 12345
33bcms-server-dBroadcast and Multicast Service (BCMCS) Domain Name List - list of one or more FQDNS corresponding to BCMCS server(s). (BCMCS is used in 3G wireless networks to enable mobiles to receive broadcast and multicast services).string11domain-listExample : "domainname1.com, domainname2.com,..,etc"
34bcms-server-aBroadcast and Multicast Service (BCMCS) IPv6 Address List - list of one or more IPv6 address(es) corresponding to BCMCS server(s). (BCMCS is used in 3G wireless networks to enable mobiles to receive broadcast and multicast services).ipv6address11ip6-address [, ip6-address ... ]Type : ipv6
Example : 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:, 2001:db8::1234:5678:5.6,..,etc
36geoconf-civicGeographical location in civic (e.g. postal) format. This option can be provided by the server to relate the location of the server, the closest network element (e.g. router) to the client or the client itself. The location information includes an ISO 3166 country code (US, DE, JP, etc.) and country-specific location information such as state, province, county, city, block, group of streets and more.quoted_string11stringExample : string_value
37remote-idRelay Agent Remote ID option - remote identity inserted by the relay agent in RELAY-FORW message to the DHCPv6 server. This is useful in service provider environments where the "edge" device facing the subscriber device, inserts an identifier for the subscriber connection prior to relaying to the DHCPv6 server.string11stringExample : string_value
38subscriber-idRelay Agent Subscriber ID option - subscriber identity inserted by the relay agent in RELAY-FORW message to the DHCPv6 server. This is useful in service provider environments where the "edge" device facing the subscriber device, inserts an identifier for the subscriber from which the message originated, prior to relaying to the DHCPv6 server.quoted_string11stringExample : string_value
39fqdnClient FQDN option - indicates whether the client or the DHCP server should update DNS with the AAAA record corresponding to the assigned IPv6 address and the FQDN provided in this option. The DHCP server always updates the PTR recordquoted_string11stringExample : string_value
40pana-agentThis option provides one or more IPv6 address(es) associated with PANA (Protocol for carrying Authentication for Network Access) Authentication Agents that a client can useipv6address11ip6-address [, ip6-address ... ]Type : ipv6
Example : 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:, 2001:db8::1234:5678:5.6,..,etc
41new-posix-timezoneTime zone to be used by the client in IEEE 1003.1 format (POSIX - portable operating system interface). This format enables textual representation of time zone and daylight savings time information.string11textExample : string_timezone_value
42new-tzdb-timezoneTime zone (TZ) database entry referred to by entry name. The client must have a copy of the TZ database, which it queries for the corresponding entry to determine its time zone.string11textExample : string_timezone_value
43eroRelay Agent Echo Request option - used by relay agents in the RELAY_ FORW message to request that the DHCPv6 sever echo back certain requested relay agent options, even if not supported on the sever. (DHCPv4 servers always echo back relay agent option [80] information but this is not required in DHCPv6, hence this option for relay agents requiring such echo back).uint1611uint16 [, uint6... ]Range : 0-65535
Example : 1024,1024,..,etc
44lq-queryThe Query option is used in the LEASEQUERY message to identify the query information being requested. This option includes the Query type (by IA address or client ID option), link address to which the query applies and query options.quoted_string11stringExample : string_value
45client-dataClient Data - this option contains the query response information for the requested client data within a LEASEQUERY-REPLY message. At a minimum this option includes the client identifier (OPTION_CLIENTID), the IA address or prefix (OPTION_IAADDR and/or OPTION_IAPREFIX) and client last transaction time (OPTION_CLT_TIME).quoted_string11stringExample : string_value
46clt-timeClient Last Transaction Time - indicates the number of seconds since the server last communicated with the client referenced by the lease query. This option is encapsulated within the OPTION_CLIENT_DATA option within a LEASEQUERY-REPLY message.uint3211uint32Range : 0-4,294,967,295
Example : 12345
47lq-relay-dataRelay data - used in a LEASEQUERY-REPLY message to provide the relay agent information associated with the client information requested. This option includes the relay agent address from which the client's relay information was received along with the complete relayed message. Client link - identifies one or more links on which the queried client has DHCPv6 bindings. The queried client can be identified by address or client ID.string11ip6-address stringExample : 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:1.2. 3.4, "string_value"
48lq-client-linkClient link - identifies one or more links on which the queried client has DHCPv6 bindings. The queried client can be identified by address or client ID.ipv6address11ip6-address [, ip6-address ... ]Type : ipv6
Example : 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:, 2001:db8::1234:5678:5.6,..,etc
51v6-lostLocation to Service Translation (LOST) server domain name; LOST protocol maps service identifiers and location information to service URLS.string01domain-nameExample : domainname.com
52capwap-ac-v6Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP) Access Controller IPv6 address(es) to which the client may connect.ipv6address11ip6-address [, ip6-address ... ]Type : ipv6
Example : 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:, 2001:db8::1234:5678:5.6,..,etc
53relay-idDHCPv6 Bulk LeaseQuery - requests lease and prefix delegation bindings for
a specified relay agent identified by its DUID in this option.
string11stringExample : string_value
57v6-access-domainOPTION_V6_ACCESS_ Local Location Information Server (LIS) discovery.quoted_string01domain-nameExample : domainname.com
58sip-ua-cs-listOPTION_SIP_UA_CS_LIST DHCP SIP user agent configuration service domains.string11domain-listExample : "domainname1.com, domainname2.com,..,etc"
59bootfile-urlURLto a boot file.quoted_string11textExample : text_url_value
60bootfile-paramBoot file parameter list, similar to command line arguments in modern operating systemsquoted_string11stringExample : string_value
61client-arch-typeClient system architecture type for network boot.uint1611uint16 [, uint6... ]Range : 0-65535
Example : 1024,1024,..,etc
62niiClient universal network device interface (UNDI) identifier for network boot.uint811uint8 uint8 uint8Range : 0-255
Example : 1 2 3
64aftr-nameFQDN of the Address Family Transition Router (AFTR) used for Dual-Stack Lite.string01domain-nameExample : domainname.com
65erp-local-domain-nameExtensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Re-authentication Protocol (ERP) local domain.string01domain-nameExample : domainname.com
66rsooRelay agent-supplied DHCP options.string011
67pd-excludePrefix exclusion from a prefix set.string011
74rdnss-selectionRecursive DNS Server selection for multi-interfaced nodes.string11ip6-address uint8 domain-nameExample : 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:1.2. 3.4 10 "domainname.com"
79client-linklayer-addrClient's link layer address provided by an on-link relay agentstring11stringExample : string_value
80link-addressIPv6 address of the DHCP client for which a reconfigure command is requested by the relay agent.ipv6address11ip6-addressType : ipv6
Example : 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:
82solmax-rtProvided by the server to override the client default value of SOL_MAX_RT (maximum Solicit timeout).uint3211uint32Range : 0-4,294,967,295
Example : 12345
83inf-max-rtProvided by the server to override the client default value of INF_MAX_RT (maximum Information-Request timeout).uint3211uint32Range : 0-4,294,967,295
Example : 12345
87dhcpv4-msgDHCPv4 message encoded within a DHCPv6 message (DHCPv4 over DHCPv6, DHCP 406).quoted_string11stringExample : string_dhcpv4_message
88dhcp4-o-dhcp6-serverDHCP 406 server IPv6 address(es).ipv6address11ip6-addressipv6
103v6-captive-portalInforms a client that it is behind a captive portal device and provides a URI to access an authentication page.string11stringExample : string_value
135relay-source-portUDP port the server should use in response to this relay agent. Some configurations do not use the well-known DHCP source port (547) for scalability reasons.uint1611uint16Range : 0-65535
Example : 1024
143ipv6-address-andsfIP address of the Access Network Discovery and Selection Function (ANDSF).ipv6address11ip6-addressipv6