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Why manage Microsoft Windows DNS and DHCP clusters with DDI Central: Product demo

Date & Time

Thu, August 13, 2024

11:00 AM IST (IND)11:00 AM BST (UK)11:00 AM CDT (US)
Akshra GJ
Akshra GJ
Product Expert
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What’s in store this webinar?

DNS Manager

DNS Zone editor: Demonstrating how to map and manage zones, records, zone scopes, dynamic DNS zones, and client subnets.

Granular DNS query control with query resolution policies and response rate limiting policies.

Third-party zones: Centralized management of zones hosted with external cloud vendors.

DHCP Manager

Network segmentation with DHCP scope manager: Demonstrating how to hierarchically organize and segment available IP address space into manageable segments like Subnets, Multicast subnets, Superscopes, DHCP reservations, VLANs and Supernets.

DHCP Policies: Building a cohesive IP address plan with dedicated policies that automate and control the leases of each scope.

IP Address Manager

Dual stack IP inventory management: Monitor the capacity thresholds of each scope and have hand-on control over the dual stack IP address inventory within each scope

IP lease history: Quick troubleshooting with detailed analysis of how an IP evolves over time

IP identity mapping: Connecting host identities and their metadata to IP addresses

Admin Controls

Managing large scale remote sites via Agentless connection with WinRM setup

Single sign on with SAML authentication

Built-in failover and auditing capabilities

Scheduled DNS and DHCP reports

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