analytics Plus
Newsletter | March 2020
The first few months of 2020 have sure been one heck of a ride.
However, even with everything that's going on, rest assured that nothing has changed here at Analytics Plus; we have a bunch of exciting features, e-books, and more, just for you. Read on! 

Feature updates

Introducing Mobile Device Manager Plus integration (Beta)

MDM integration
Attain a comprehensive analysis of every managed device, and the deployed applications and restrictions.
Get started now

Import Active Directory users into Analytics Plus

Import from Active Directory
Looking to set up advanced analytics across your organization but balking at the idea of adding every user? You can now import all your Active Directory users within seconds!  
Bring them in


Resolve your help desk's biggest obstacles with analytics 

Tackle help desk problems
Did you know that advanced analytics can be leveraged to identify and tackle key problems you may be facing in your help desk? 
Find out how

Save big in every stage of your assets' life cycle 

From planning your IT budget to identifying the smartest time to dispose of old assets, this e-book will help you attain the most savings in your IT asset management.  
Tell me more

Customer corner

Take a peek into what your peers are accomplishing with Analytics Plus

"Analytics Plus has helped increase our service desk productivity and overall responsiveness. We are now able to respond to incidents and service requests faster, resolve more requests, and continuously improvise our processes."
- David Whitfield,
IT customer services manager, F4 IT Services  
"We consider two things when buying any product: product functionality and back-end support. Analytics Plus wins in both departments"
- Sujith Ramesh,
technical lead for ITOM and ITSM, Happiest Minds Technologies
Read more about these case studies and others. 
Looking for more information on features or need help building reports and dashboards?
Sign up for a free one-on-one session with one of our experts!
You can always reach out to us on our Community Portal as well.