Export report data in tablet

Exporting reports in tablet devices

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Exporting records help you obtain or download the records that are in your report into a specific format for a purpose outside of ManageEngine AppCreator environment. AppCreator enables you to export your reports in a few simple steps and also allows you to secure the exported file with a password. 

As a precautionary measure to safeguard yourself from unknown security threats, it is recommended that you protect your exported files with a strong password. 

Things to know

  • Only the grid, list, and spreadsheet report types support the export feature.
  • You can export your report data in various file formats such as XLS, PDF, XML, JSON, CSV, and TSV
  • You can export report data by accessing the live report in your AppCreator app via your tablet device.
  • You can customize the data that you wish to export and also set passwords for sensitive data. Learn more

Export report data on iPad

Steps to export records (XLS, XML, JSON, CSV, and TSV formats)

  1. Navigate to your app's report.
  2. You can open the Export Settings screen in two ways:
    • Click the More (triple dot) icon at the top-right of the navigation bar and select Export.
    • Click Select from the top-right of your screen, select the records to be exported and then click the Export icon on the top-right.
  3. In the Export Settings screen, specify the following details:
    • Enter the file name. By default, the file name will be pre-filled with the report name.
    • Select a different file type if required under Export As section.
    • Select the field columns to be exported by clicking the arrow beside the Select Columns dropdown. By default, Quick view fields will be selected. You can also choose the All Fields option from here.


      • When you select either Quick View fields or Detail View fields, only the fields corresponding to the chosen view will be displayed in the field column listing. You can unselect fields not required in the chosen view. 
      • When you choose All Fields, fields in both the views (Quick View and  Detail View) will be displayed. You can select and unselect fields in the field column listing.
    • You can also search the required column (field) name in the search bar at the top and select them.
  4. To secure your data outside of AppCreator, you can enable password protection for the exported files. 
    • Click Password Settings and specify a strong password. 
      Note: A strong password contains a mix of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols, no ties to your personal information, and no dictionary words. We strongly recommend you to use password protection for records that store sensitive PII (Personally identifiable information) and ePHI (Electronic protected health information) data.
    • Retype the password to confirm it.
    • You can also click Clear password and enter a new password.
    • Click the eye icon to show the password entered.
    • Click Done at the top-right of the Password Settings tab. 
  5. Click the Export icon at the top-right of the Export Settings tab. Your file will be downloaded.
  6. You need to type in your password before opening your exported file (if password protection is enabled).

Steps to export records in PDF format

  1. Navigate to your app's report.
  2. You can open the Export Settings screen in two ways:
    • Click the More (triple dot) icon at the top-right of the navigation bar and select Export.
    • Click Select from the top-right of your screen, select the records to be exported and then click the Export icon on the top-right.
  3. In the Export Settings screen, specify the following details:
    • Enter the file name. By default, the file name will be pre-filled with the report name.
    • Select a different file type if required under the Export As section.
    • Select the required view — List view (default) or Detail view
      • List view: The records will be exported in a table-like format as shown in the current view, where the field labels are in the header row and the records are listed in the subsequent rows similar to the Quick view in reports.
      • Summary view: The records will be exported in a layout that enables you to see the detailed view of the record in a linear manner. You will be able to see all the fields and their congruent as label and value pairs. If you select the summary view option, proceed to step 5 (you will not be able to select the required columns in this option).
        Note: If you have configured a record template for your report and when the summary view option is selected, then the record template will be exported as the detailed (summary) view of each record in your report. 
    • Click the arrow beside Select Columns and select the field columns to be exported. By default, Quick view fields will be selected. You can also choose the All Fields option from here. 


      • When you select either Quick View fields or Detail View fields, only the fields corresponding to the chosen view will be displayed in the field column listing. You can unselect fields not required in the chosen view. 
      • When you choose All Fields, fields in both the views (Quick View and  Detail View) will be displayed. You can select and unselect fields in the field column listing.
    • You can also search the required column (field) name in the search bar at the top and select them.
  4. Click Page Settings. The Page Settings tab opens up.
    Note: The page setup options chosen in your record template will be pre-filled in the Page Settings tab.
  5. Select the paper size and orientation (Portrait or Landscape) as required.
  6. Choose the required scaling:
    • Actual width - This option will print the columns/field-value pairs with their actual width in live mode onto the selected paper size. There might be instances where some columns might be cut off after export.
    • Fit to page width - This option will shrink all columns to the selected paper size. In case you have chosen Detail view, this option will not display any visible changes since there will be only two columns (records are shown as label and value pairs in Detail View).
    • If the Custom option is chosen, you must specify the required scaling value (%). The scaling value helps to zoom out the entire report and print all the columns with proper readable width onto the selected paper size. 
  7. Specify the margin values for all four corners — top, right, bottom, and left.
  8. If you want to display a header in your exported file, tick the checkbox beside Header Position and specify the fields (report name, date and time, and page number) to be displayed in the left, center, and right sides of your PDF file in the header. The report name can be customized to suit your requirements.
  9. If you want to display a footer in your exported file, tick the checkbox beside Footer Position and specify the fields (report name, date and time, and page number) to be displayed in the left, center, and right sides of your PDF file in the footer. The report name can be customized to suit your requirements.
  10. Click Done at the top-right of the Page Settings tab.
  11. To secure your data outside of AppCreator, you can enable password protection for the exported files. 
    • Click Password Settings and specify a strong password. 
      Note: A strong password contains a mix of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols, no ties to your personal information, and no dictionary words. We strongly recommend you to use password protection for records that store sensitive PII (Personally identifiable information) and ePHI (Electronic protected health information) data.
    • Retype the password to confirm it.
    • You can also click Clear password and enter a new password.
    • Click the eye icon to show the password entered.
    • Click Done at the top-right of the Password Settings tab. 
  12. Click the Export icon at the top-right of the Export Settings tab.
  13. You need to type in your password before opening your exported file (if password protection is enabled).


The following limitations are applicable to all report types.

  • Only those users with export permissions will be able to export the report data.
  • Custom actions configured in your reports will not be exported.
  • Hidden fields in your report will not be available in tablet devices.
  • There's a 12 MB limit on PDFs in the following scenario: When the report is exported as PDF and the data’s size exceeds 12 MB, the operation will fail — a 0 MB sized file will be downloaded instead
  • In XLS file export, as per the spreadsheet row limitation, you can export up to 65535 records.

Export records on Android 

Steps to export records (XLS, XML, JSON, CSV, and TSV formats)

  1. Navigate to your app's report.
  2. Click the More (triple dot) icon at the top-right of the navigation bar and select Export.
  3. You can choose either All Records or Selected Records.
    • If All Records option is selected, proceed to step 4.
    • If Selected Records option is chosen, 
      • Select the records to be exported.
      • Click the export icon at the top-right and then proceed to step 4.
  4. In the Export Settings screen, specify the following details:
    • Enter the file name. By default, the file name will be pre-filled with the report name.
    • Select a different file type if required.
    • Select the field columns to be exported by clicking the arrow beside the Columns Selection dropdown. By default, Quick view fields will be selected. You can also choose the All Fields option from here.


      • When you select either Quick View fields or Detail View fields, only the fields corresponding to the chosen view will be displayed in the field column listing. You can unselect fields not required in the chosen view. 
      • When you choose All Fields, fields in both the views (Quick View and  Detail View) will be displayed. You can select and unselect fields in the field column listing.
  5. You can also search the required column (field) name in the search bar at the top and select them.
  6. To secure your data outside of AppCreator, you can enable password protection for the exported files. 
    • Click Password Settings and specify a strong password. 
      Note: A strong password contains a mix of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols, no ties to your personal information, and no dictionary words. We strongly recommend you to use password protection for records that store sensitive PII (Personally identifiable information) and ePHI (Electronic protected health information) data.
    • Retype the password to confirm it.
    • You can also click Clear password and enter a new password.
    • Click the eye icon to show the password entered.
    • Click the arrow at the top right of the Password Settings tab.
  7. Click the arrow at the top right of your screen. Your file will be downloaded in the chosen format.
  8. You need to type in your password before opening your exported file (if password protection is enabled).

Steps to export records in PDF format

  1. Navigate to your app's report.
  2. Click the More(triple dot) icon at the top-right of the navigation bar and select Export.
  3. You can choose either All Records or Selected Records.
    • If All Records option is selected, proceed to step 4.
    • If Selected Records option is chosen, 
      • Select the records to be exported.
      • Click the export icon at the top-right and then proceed to step 4.
  4. In the Export Settings screen, specify the following details:
    • Enter the file name. By default, the file name will be pre-filled with the report name.
    • Select a different file type if required.
    • Select the required view — List view (default) or Detail view.
      • List view: The records will be exported in a table-like format as shown in the current view, where the field labels are in the header row and the records are listed in the subsequent rows similar to the Quick view in reports.
      • Summary view: The records will be exported in a layout that enables you to see the detailed view of the record in a linear manner. You will be able to see all the fields and their congruent as label and value pairs. If you select the summary view option, proceed to step 6 (you will not be able to select the required columns in this option).
        Note: If you have configured a record template for your report and when the summary view option is selected, then the record template will be exported as the detailed (summary) view of each record in your report.
    • Click the arrow beside Columns selection and select the field columns to be exported. By default, Quick view fields will be selected. You can also choose the All Fields option from here. 


      • When you select either Quick View fields or Detail View fields, only the fields corresponding to the chosen view will be displayed in the field column listing. You can unselect fields not required in the chosen view. 
      • When you choose All Fields, fields in both the views (Quick View and  Detail View) will be displayed. Yyu can select and unselect fields in the field column listing.
  5. You can also search the required column (field) name in the search bar at the top and select them.
  6. Click Page Settings. The Page Settings tab will open.
    Note: The page setup options chosen in your record template will be pre-filled in the Page Settings tab.
  7. Select the paper size and orientation (Portrait or Landscape) as required.
  8. Choose the required column width:
    • Actual width - This option will print the columns/field-value pairs with their actual width in live mode onto the selected paper size. There might be instances where some columns might be cut off after export.
    • Fit to page width - This option will shrink all columns to the selected paper size. In case you have chosen Detail view, this option will not display any visible changes since there will be only two columns (records are shown as label and value pairs in Detail View).
    • If the Scaling option is chosen, you must specify the required scaling value (%). Scaling will help to zoom out the entire report and print all the columns with proper readable width onto the selected paper size. 
  9. Specify the margin values for all four corners — top, right, bottom, and left.
  10. If you want to display a header in your exported file, tick the checkbox beside Header Position and specify the fields (report name,date and time, and page number) to be displayed in the left, center, and right sides of your PDF file in the header. The report name can be customized to suit your requirements.
  11. If you want to display a footer in your exported file, tick the checkbox beside Footer Position and specify the fields (report name, date and time, and page number) to be displayed in the left, center, and right sides of your PDF file in the footer. The report name can be customized to suit your requirements.
  12. Click the arrow at the top right of the Page Settings tab.
  13. To secure your data outside of AppCreator, you can enable password protection for the exported files. 
    • Click Password Settings and specify a strong password. 
      Note: A strong password contains a mix of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols, no ties to your personal information, and no dictionary words. We strongly recommend you to use password protection for records that store sensitive PII (Personally identifiable information) and ePHI (Electronic protected health information) data.
    • Retype the password to confirm it.
    • You can also click Clear password and enter a new password.
    • Click the eye icon to show the password entered.
    • Click the arrow at the top right of the Password Settings tab.
  14. Click the arrow at the top right of the Export Settings tab. Your file will be downloaded in the chosen format.
  15. You need to type in your password before opening your exported file (if password protection is enabled).


The following limitations are applicable to all report types.

  • Only those users with export permissions will be able to export the report data.
  • Custom actions configured in your reports will not be exported.
  • Hidden fields in your report will not be available in tablet devices.
  • There's a 12 MB limit on PDFs in the following scenario: When the report is exported as PDF and the data’s size exceeds 12 MB, the operation will fail — a 0 MB sized file will be downloaded instead
  • In XLS file export, as per the spreadsheet row limitation, you can export up to 65535 records.

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