What is browser restriction?

Browser restriction is used to restrict the access of certain websites and web applications to specific browsers and devices. This can be done to ensure the best user experience, the highest security, or to prevent certain features from being available on certain browsers.

Benefits of Browser Restriction in your organization

Thanks to teleworking, browsers today have become a significant part of employees' day-to-day business. With a number of different browsers out there, and each of these browsers offering their own set of features, it's hard for IT admins to manage them, in terms of both security and employees' productivity. While some of these browsers focus on security of users, some prioritize user-experience. While most web-applications work fine across most browsers, some might not do so in specific cases. Depending on which browser the employees' use, they might experience breaks in certain web-applications leading to an increase in help-desk calls. This is a hassle for both IT admins and their employees.

Browser Restriction with Browser Security Plus.

With Browser Security Plus browser restriction feature, IT admins can mandate the usage of a single browser by their employees. They can test out the functioning of mission-critical web-applications in their selected browser and mandate its usage to ensure that employees' user-experience remains intact. Mandating the usage of a single browser also helps IT admins weed out vulnerabilities and ensure the security of the mandated browser.

Note: Browser Restriction feature controls the usage of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer browsers.
Usage of unsupported browsers such as Opera and UC Browser can be restricted by controlling the access of supported browsers. For instance, if you want to restrict access to an unsupported browser, say Opera, you can opt to allow access only to Google Chrome, a supported browser. This capability permits access only for Google Chrome, while all other browsers will be restricted for access.

If you want to restrict more browsers, let us know.



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