How to lockdown browsers?

Internet explorer is prone to a plethora of threats owing to the usage of vulnerable plugins. But Internet Explorer becomes a requirement in organizations in order to render legacy business applications. When that's the case, limiting the access of web-applications to business applications in Internet Explorer reduces the risks associated with the browser. With Browser Lockdown, users will be able to access only the sites and web-apps marked trusted by the IT administrator.

How browser lockdown works:

  1. Navigate to Browser Lockdown under Policies from the left tab.
  2. Click on Create Policy button.
  3. Enter the web-applications or the sites group that you want to provide access to the end users.
  4. Click on the Save & Publish button.
  5. Associate the policy to computers/groups of computers in which you want to restrict access to web-applications.

A browser kiosk will be rendered with the entered web-applications.


What is browser lockdown?

Browser lockdown is a security measure that restricts and controls web browsing by limiting access to specific websites, features, and settings to implement safe browsing.

What is the need to lockdown browser?

The need to lockdown a browser arises to enhance security, prevent unauthorized access to inappropriate or harmful websites, maintain productivity, and ensure compliance with company policies in both public and enterprise settings.

How to lockdown browsers with Browser Security Plus?

Ensure enterprise-allowed websites and website groups can be accessed only via kiosk browser with Browser Security Plus

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