Achieve 100% compliance

Browser Security Plus provides compliance reports based on criteria that need to be fulfilled to ensure prevention of security breaches. Computers's compliance with these criteria can be measured using security score. Based on the score, computers are categorized into:

  1. Highly Vulnerable computers
  2. Vulnerable computers
  3. Low-risk computers
  4. Secure computers

What are compliance criteria?

An organization's devices need to comply with certain industry and in-house standards for security purposes. These security standards are the criteria for a computer to be compliant in the organization. Click here for comprehensive set of compliance standards offered by Browser Security Plus.

Browser Security Plus requires the security standards to be configured from Browser Security Plus console and distributed to computers for the computers to be considered compliant. Once distributed from the Browser Security Plus console, they cannot be changed or overwritten by the users. If the control to these configurations lies with users, even if the regulation is compliant at one point of time, it can be changed later. Thats why compliance needs to be enforced by the IT admins.

The compliance standards have been segregated into three categories to provide a clear picture on the security aspects covered with Compliance:

  1. Threat Prevention
  2. Data Leakage Prevention
  3. Vulnerability Assessment

Non-compliant computers can be made compliant by enforcing Threat prevention or Data Leakage Prevention policy based on the category of non-compliance. Browser Vulnerabilities refer to computers that contain browsers and plugins that are not up to date. Such out-of-date plugins need to be updated for the computer to become compliant.

Customize Compliance Reports

By default, compliance report is generated using 30 security configurations. You can remove standards that are not applicable to your organization and determine compliance status for the chosen standards.

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