How to Remove extensions in Chrome and other browsers?

Remove Chrome extensions from users' browsers using Add-on Management feature in Browser Security Plus. Detect the potentially harmful Chrome extensions, review them and remove chrome extensions that are not necessary for an organization's day-to-day functioning. This document will explain how IT admins can disable or remove Chrome extensions with Browser Security Plus.

Follow the below steps to remove Chrome extensions with Browser Security Plus

Step 1: Open Browser Security Plus console.

Step 2: Navigate to policies and click on Add-on Management.

Step 3: Check No corresponding to Allow users to install extensions checkbox.

Step 4: Select the extensions that you want to allow from the Allowlist extensions drop down list.

Manage and remove chrome extensions

Step 5: Save and publish the policy.

Step 6: Deploy the policy to computers that you want to apply the changes to.

The below video explains how to disable Chrome extensions with Browser Security Plus.

To disable Chrome extensions based on the permissions follow the below guidelines:

Step 1: Open Browser Security Plus console.

Step 2: Navigate to policies and click on Add-on Management.

Step 3: Click on Search Permissions corresponding to Blocklist Permissions.

Step 4: Select the permissions you want to blocklist.

Manage Chrome extensions based on permissions

Step 5: Save and publish the policy.

Step 6: Deploy the policy to computers that you want to apply the changes to.

How to remove plug-ins in Internet Explorer?

Detect the plug-ins used by users that aren't up to date and those that are unsigned. Remove those plug-ins that could be potentially harmful using Browser Security Plus. Follow the below steps to disable plug-ins in Internet Explorer browser.

Step 1: Open Browser Security Plus console.

Step 2: Navigate to policies and click on Add-on Management.

Step 3: Click on the Internet Explorer tab.

Step 4: Select the plug-ins/add-ons that you want to blocklist from the Blocklist Plug-ins drop down list.

Remove Chrome extensions with Browser Security Plus

Step 5: Save and publish the policy.

Step 6: Deploy the policy to computers that you want to apply the changes to.

How to remove add-ons in Mozilla Firefox?

Follow the below steps to remove unnecessary add-ons used by employees in Mozilla Firefox browser.

Step 1: Open Browser Security Plus console.

Step 2: Navigate to policies and click on Add-on Management.

Step 3: Click on the Mozilla Firefox tab.

Step 4: Select No corresponding to Allow user to install extensions

Step 5: Save and publish the policy.

Step 6: Deploy the policy to computers that you want to apply the changes to.

How to manually Uninstall or Remove Chrome extensions?

The below steps explains how to manually remove Chrome, IE and Firefox add-ons on your machines.

How to remove Chrome extensions:

Step 1: Open Chrome browser.

Step 2: Click on More at the top right corner.

Step 3: Click on More tools and then Extensions.

Remove Chrome extensions manually

Step 4: Click Remove, corresponding to the extension you want to remove.

How to remove IE plug-ins

Step 1: Open Internet Explorer.

Step 2: Select the Tools button..

Step 3: Select Manage add-ons.

how to remove ie addons

Step 4: Under Show, select All add-ons.

Step 5: Select the add-on you want to delete.

Step 6: If the add-on can be deleted, you'll see the Remove option. Select Remove and then Close.

How to remove Firefox add-ons

Step 1: Open Firefox.

Step 2: Click the menu button.

Step 3: Click on the Add-ons icons and select Extensions.

Remove firefox addons

Step 4: Scroll through the list of extensions.

Step 5: Click the ellipsis (3-dot) icon for the extension you wish to remove and select Remove.

To simplify things, Browser Security Plus offers an Extension Repository which enables you to silently distribute extensions to users. This pushes the ball to your court handing you control over the situation. Distribute those extensions that you trust and you believe to be absolutely necessary to the users through Extension Repository, while restricting the download of any new extensions. This ensures the presence of only trusted extensions in your network.

To detect and remove Chrome extensions from your network, download a free, 30-day trial of Browser Security Plus and try out these features for yourself.

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