This document will explain each configuration provided by Browser Security Plus and the browsers it is applicable for. 

Configuration Description Supported browser
Phishing filter By enabling this, sites that contain malicious content in any from: ransomware, viruses, phishing campaigns etc., will be blocked. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and other Chromium-based browsers
File downloads By enabling this, download of all files will be blocked. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer and other Chromium-based browsers
Over-ride certificate errors By selecting restrict button, users will not be able to proceed past certificate errors displayed by websites. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and other Chromium-based browsers
Verification of certificate with revocation list By selecting enable, certificates will be verified with certificate revocation list that contain a list of certificates that are dangerous and shouldn't be trusted. If certificate is part of the revocation list, a certificate error will be thrown to the user. Microsoft Internet Explorer
Zone Elevation Protection By enabling this, privilege applied to one zone that has lower security setting, will not be applied to a zone that needs higher security setting. Microsoft Internet Explorer
Browser Helper Object By disabling this, users can not load third party browser helper objects. Microsoft Internet Explorer
Flash Restriction By disabling this, Adobe Flash plugins will be restricted on sites. Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer
IE Plugin Protection By disabling this, users will only be able to install those plugins that are signed by a developer, when he lands on a site with plugin requirements. Installation of unsigned plugins will be restricted. Microsoft Internet Explorer
Run scripts on web page By disabling this, scripts in web pages will not be rendered. Microsoft Internet Explorer
Unsigned IE plugins By disabling this, users will only be able to install those plugins that are signed by a developer, when he lands on a site with plugin requirements. Installation of unsigned plugins will be restricted. Microsoft Internet Explorer
Block websites with excessive ads if this configuration is enabled, websites that contain excessive ads will be blocked. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and other Chromium-based browsers
Block third party websites that inject code By enabling this configuration, untrusted third-party websites that tamper with browser content will be blocked. Google Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers
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