How to make non-compliant computers compliant?

Browser Security Plus detects the problems  present in the computers and browsers present in your network. Procedure to create policies that fix the issues have been summarized below. Associate the policy to computers that need to be fixed. 

    Threat Prevention

  • How do I restrict installation of unsigned plugins in user's computer?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Threat Prevention policy and click on Restrict button corresponding to Unsigned IE Plugins.

  • How do I enable phishing filter in user's computer?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Threat Prevention policy. Click on Create Policy button and click on Enable button corresponding to Phishing Filter.

  • How do I restrict the usage of Browser Helper Objects in user's computer?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Threat Prevention and click on Restrict button corresponding to Browser Helper Objects.

  • How do I restrict extensions that make use of permissions capable of causing threats?

    Navigate to policies tab. Select Add-on Management policy and blacklist the extensions that you do not trust.

  • How do I restrict zone privilege elevation in user's computer?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Threat Prevention policy. Click on Create Policy button and and click on Enable button corresponding to Zone Elevation Protection.

  • How do I ensure only trusted plugins are being run in user's system?

    Navigate to Policy tab. Select Add-on Management and choose Internet Explorer tab. Click on Restrict button for Plugin Installation option. Enter the trusted plugins in Whitelist Plugins field.

  • How do I restrict the usage of Adobe flash in user's computers?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Threat Prevention policy and click on Create Policy button. Click on the Enable button corresponding to Flash Restriction.

  • How do I restrict users from downloading malicious content in their computers?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Threat Prevention policy and click on Create Policy button. Click on Restrict button corresponding to File Downloads.

  • How do I disable 3D APIs?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Browser Customization policy and select GPU Rendering. Click on Disable button corresponding 3D APIs.

  • How do I disable sites ability for showing desktop notifications?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Browser Customization policy and select Content Restrictions. From the drop down list corresponding to Notifications, select Block.

  • How do I restrict the user from over-riding certificate errors displayed before web pages
    are opened?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Threat Prevention policy and click on Create Policy button. Click on Restrict button corresponding to Over-ride certificate errors.

  • How do I ensure certificates are being verified with the revocation list before sites are opened?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Threat Prevention policy and click on Create Policy button. Click on Enable button corresponding to Verification of certificate with revocation list.

  • How do I block cross-origin authentication prompts on users' computers?

    To block cross-origin authentication prompts in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on the Block button corresponding to Cross-Origin Authentication Prompt.

  • How do I enable network time queries on users' computers?

    To enable network time queries in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on the Enable button corresponding to Network Timestamp Query.

  • How do I enable Safe Sites filter behavior on users' computers?

    To set the Safe Sites filter behavior in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on the Enable button corresponding to SafeSites URL Filter.

  • How do I configure Chrome Variations on users' computers?

    To set Chrome Variations in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Browser Functionality from Security Restrictions. Click on the Enable all variations button corresponding to Chrome Variations.

  • How do I ensure Certificate Transparency enforcement for legacy Certificate Authorities on users' computers?

    To ensure Certificate Transparency enforcement for legacy Certificate Authorities in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Legacy Settings. Should not be configured "Disable Certificate Transparency Enforcement for Legacy CAs".

  • How do I ensure Certificate Transparency enforcement for Certificate Authorities on users' computers?

    To ensure Certificate Transparency enforcement for Certificate Authorities in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Should not be configured "Disable Certificate Transparency Enforcement for subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes".

  • How do I ensure Certificate Transparency Enforcement For URLs on users' computers?

    To ensure Certificate Transparency Enforcement For URLs in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Security Restrictions For URLs. Should not be configured "Certificate Transparency Enforcement For URLs".

  • How do I enable DNS interception checks on users' computers?

    To enable DNS interception checks in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on the Enable button to DNS Interpretation Checks.

  • How do I enable component updates on users' computers?

    To enable component updates in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Browser Functionality from Security Restrictions. Click on the Enable button to Component Updates.

  • How do I disable global HTTP authentication caching on users' computers?

    To disable global HTTP authentication caching in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on the Disable button to Globally Scoped HTTP Authentication Cache.

  • How do I enable command line flag security warnings on users' computers?

    To enable command line flag security warnings in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on the Enable button to Command-Line Flag Security Warnings.

  • How do I block third party applicaiton that inject code in chrome exe on users' computers?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Threat Prevention and Click on the Enable button to Block third party websites that inject code.

  • How do I disable ephemeral profiles on users' computers?

    To disable ephemeral profiles in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to User Account Setting. Click on the No button to Force ephemeral mode.

  • How do I ensure the HSTS policy bypass list on users' computers?

    To set the HSTS policy bypass list in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Should not be configured "HSTS Policy Bypass List".

  • How do I ensure security restrictions on insecure origins for users' computers?

    To enable overriding security restrictions on insecure origins in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Security Restrictions For URLs. Should not be configured "Override Security Restrictions on Insecure Origin".

  • How do I ensure the lookalike warning allowlist on users' computers?

    To set the lookalike warning allowlist in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy.Navigate to Security Restrictions For URLs. Should not be configured "Block Domain Lookalike Warnings".

  • How do I disable the suppression of unsupported OS warnings on users' computers?

    To disable the suppression of unsupported OS warnings in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on the Enable button to Block Unsupported OS Warning.

  • How do I configure Google Update settings on users' computers?

    To manage Google Update settings in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Browser Functionality from Security Restrictions. Click on the Allow Updates or Automatic Silent Updates Only button to Google Update.

  • How do I restrict the default insecure content setting on users' computers?

    To restrict the default insecure content setting in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Content Restrictions. Click on the Restrict button to Insecure Content.

  • How do I restrict the default Web Bluetooth guard setting on users' computers?

    To restrict the default Web Bluetooth guard setting in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Content Restrictions. Click on the Restrict button to Web Bluetooth Guard.

  • How do I restrict the default Web USB guard setting on users' computers?

    To restrict the default Web USB guard setting in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Content Restrictions. Click on the Restrict button to Web USB Guard setting.

  • How do I block external extensions on users' computers?

    To block external extensions in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on the Block button to External Extensions.

  • How do I configure allowed extension types on users' computers?

    To set allowed extension types in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Ensure that at least these three values are configured: [hosted_app, platform_app, theme] under Extension Allowed Types.

  • How do I configure allowed authentication schemes on users' computers?

    To set allowed authentication schemes in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Ensure that at least the following values are configured: [ntlm, negotiate] under Authentication Schemes.

  • How do I enable the option to proceed anyway in Safe Browsing?

    To enable the option to proceed anyway in Safe Browsing for users' computers, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on the Enable button to Disable Safe Browsing Proceed Anyway.

  • How do I enforce Google Safe Search on users' computers?

    To force Google Safe Search in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on the Enable button to configure Force Google Safe Search.

  • How do I enable relaunch notifications on users' computers?

    To enable relaunch notifications in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on the Enable button to configure Relaunch Notification.

  • How do I configure proxy settings on users' computers?

    To configure proxy settings in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Proxy Settings. Click on the appropriate option and ensure one of the following values is configured: direct, pac_script, fixed_servers, or system on "Proxy Mode".

  • How do I enable online revocation checks for local anchors on users' computers?

    To enable online revocation checks for local anchors in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on the Enable button to Online Revocation Checks for Local Anchors.

  • How do I configure the relaunch notification period on users' computers?

    To configure the relaunch notification period in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on the relevant option to set the Relaunch notification period (must be less than or equal to 86400000 milliseconds).

  • How do I configure default cookie settings on users' computers?

    To configure default cookie settings in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate Content Restrictions. Click on keep cookies for the duration of the session to Default Cookie Settings.

  • How do I enable guest mode on users' computers?

    To enable guest mode in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to User Account Settings. Click on the Enable button to Allow users to use guest mode.

  • How do I configure disk cache size on users' computers?

    To configure disk cache size in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety under Security Restrictions. Should be greater than 250609664 (250MB).

  • How do I disable default JavaScript settings on users' computers?

    To disable default JavaScript settings in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Content Restrictions. Click on the Disable button to Default javascript settings.

  • How do I configure cookies to be session-only for specific URLs on users' computers?

    To configure session-only cookies for specific URLs in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Content Restrictions for URLs. Should not be configured "Cookies".

  • How do I disable QUIC protocol usage on users' computers?

    To disable QUIC protocol in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Browser Functionality under Security Restrictions. Click on the Disable button to QUIC protocol.

  • How to disable Safe Browsing for Trusted Sources on Users' Computers?

    To disable Safe Browsing for Trusted Sources in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety under Security Restrictions. Click on the Disable button for Safe Browsing for Trusted Sources.

  • How to disable Allow Usage of Serial API on Users' Computers?

    To disable Allow Usage of Serial API in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Content Restrictions. Click on the Disable button for Allow Usage of Serial API.

  • How to disable Default Sensors on Users' Computers?

    To disable Default Sensors in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Content Restrictions. Click on the Disable button for Default Sensors.


    Data Leakage Prevention

  • How do I ensure that the latest encryption standards are not being followed by users?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Browser Customization policy and select Internet Explorer from the drop down list. Under Security Restrictions, select either TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 standards under Turn on encryption support.

  • How do I restrict malicious extensions capable of stealing data in users computers?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Add-on Management and select No for Allow user to install extensions. Enter the trusted extensions in Whitelist Extensions field.

  • How do I restrict third-party cookies in users computers?

    For restricting third-party cookies in Chrome browser, navigate to Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on Enable button corresponding to Block third-party cookies. For restricting third-party cookies in Firefox browser, navigate to Policies tab. Select Data Leakage Prevention and select Never allow button corresponding to Third party cookies.

  • How do I ensure that users have the recommended browser settings configured in their computers?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Data Leakage Prevention policy and click on Create Policy button. Click on Restrict button corresponding to Autofill and Remember passwords settings.

  • How do I ensure that non-webstore extensions have been restricted in user's computers?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Add-on Management and choose No for Allow user to install extensions. Enter the trusted extensions in Whitelist Extensionsfield.

  • How do I disable incognito mode?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Browser Customization policy and select Privacy & Safety. From the drop down list corresponding to Incognito mode, select disable.

  • How do I disable Google and Firefox data synchronization?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Data Leakage Prevention policy and click on Create Policy button. Select Restrict button corresponding to Automatic browser sync.

  • How do I ensure that browser history gets saved?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Data Leakage Prevention policy and click on Create Policy button. Select Allow button corresponding to Save browser history.

  • How do I disable Google print sharing?

    Navigate to policies. Select Data Leakage Prevention policy and click on Create Policy button. Select Restrict button corresponding to Print from cloud storage.

  • How do I enable network prediction?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Data Leakage Prevention policy and click on Create Policy button. Click on enable button corresponding Network prediction.

  • How do I disable search suggestions?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Data Leakage Prevention policy and click on Create Policy button. Click on disable button corresponding to Search suggestions.

  • How do I disable Metrics reporting to Chrome?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Data Leakage Prevention policy and click on Create Policy button. Click on disable button corresponding to Metrics reporting to Google.

  • How do I enable Prompt for download location?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Data Leakage Prevention policy and click on Create Policy button. Click on enable button corresponding to Prompt for download location.

  • How do I disable users from deleting browser history?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Data Leakage Prevention policy and click on Create Policy button. Click on disable button corresponding Browser history deletion.

  • How do I disable background processing?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Data Leakage Prevention policy and click on Create Policy button. Click on disable button corresponding to Background processing.

  • How do I disable print submission to Google Chrome?

    Navigate to Policies tab. Select Data Leakage Prevention policy and click on Create Policy button. Click on disable button corresponding Print webpage.

  • How do I disable tracking of user location in websites?

    Navigate to Policies. Select Browser Customization policy. Select Google Chrome from the drop down list. Under Content Restrictions, select Block from the drop down list corresponding to Geolocation.

  • How do I enable audio sandboxing on users' computers?

    To enable audio sandboxing in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Browser Functionality from Security Restrictions. Click on the Enable button corresponding to Audio Sandbox.

  • How do I disable online revocation checks on users' computers?

    To disable online revocation checks in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions.Click on the Disable button to Online Revocation Checks.

  • How do I disable the Enterprise Hardware Platform API on users' computers?

    To disable the Enterprise Hardware Platform API in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Browser Functionality from Security Restrictions. Click on the Disable button to Allow Add-ons Enterprise Hardware Platform API Access.

  • How do I disable autofill form data import on users' computers?

    To disable autofill form data import in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Home Page and Startup. Click on the Disable button to Import Autofill form data.

  • How do I disable homepage import on users' computers?

    To disable homepage import in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Home Page and Startup. Click on the Disable button to Import Home Page.

  • How do I disable search engine import on users' computers?

    To disable search engine import in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to User Account Settings. Click on the Disable button to Import Search Engines.

  • How do I ensure allowed URLs for WebRTC local IPs on users' computers?

    To set allowed URLs for WebRTC local IPs in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Security Restrictions For URLs. Should not be configured "WebRTC Local IPs Allowed URLs".

  • How do I disable remote access connections on users' computers?

    To disable remote access connections in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on the Disable button to configure Remote Access Host Service.

  • How do I enable site-per-process for users' computers?

    To enable site-per-process in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Navigate to Data Leakage Prevention. Click on the Enable button to configure Site per process.

  • How do I disable the Media Router setting on users' computers?

    To disable the Media Router setting in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on the Disable button to Media Router.

  • How do I disable payment method query settings on users' computers?

    To disable payment method query settings in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on the Disable button to configure Payment Method Query.

  • How do I disable file selection dialogs on users' computers?

    To disable file selection dialogs in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on Disable button to File upload to webpages.

  • How do I disable audio capture on users' computers?

    To disable audio capture in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Content Restrictions. Click on Disable button to Audio capture.

  • How do I disable video capture on users' computers?

    To disable video capture in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Content Restrictions. Click on Disable button to Video capture.

  • How do I configure user feedback on users' computers?

    To disable user feedback in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on Disable button touser feedback.

  • How do I disable DNS over HTTPS (DoH) mode on users' computers?

    To disable DNS over HTTPS in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety from Security Restrictions. Click on the appropriate button to enable or disable DNS over HTTPS.

  • How do I disable importing of saved passwords on users' computers?

    To disable importing of saved passwords, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Home page and Startup. Click on the Disable button to Import saved passwords.

  • How do I disable browser sign-in on users' computers?

    To disable browser sign-in in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to User Account Settings. Click on the Disable button to Browser sign-in.

  • How do I disable spell check service on users' computers?

    To disable spell check services in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety under Security Restrictions.Click on the Disable button to configure Spell Check Service.

  • How do I configure default search provider encodings on users' computers?

    To configure default search provider encodings in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety under Security Restrictions. At least one encoding should be configured to Default Search Provider Encoding.

  • How do I disable autoplay settings on users' computers?

    To disable autoplay settings in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Content Restrictions. Click on the Disable button to Autoplay.

  • How do I disable default popups settings on users' computers?

    To disable default popup settings in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Content Restrictions. Click on the Disable button to Default popup settings.

  • How do I disable extended Safe Browsing reporting on users' computers?

    To disable extended Safe Browsing reporting in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety under Security Restrictions. Click on the Disable button to Enable Safe Browsing Extended Reporting.

  • How do I disable WebRTC event log collection on users' computers?

    To disable WebRTC event log collection in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety under Security Restrictions. Click on the Disable button to WebRTC Event Log Collection.

  • How do I disable the availability of developer tools on users' computers?

    To disable or restrict developer tools in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Browser Functionality under Security Restrictions. Click on the Disable button to Developer Tools.

  • How do I configure the default search provider on users' computers?

    To configure the default search provider in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Browser Functionality under Security Restrictions. Both Default Search Engine Name and Default Search Engine URL should be set.

  • How to disable Alternate Error Pages on Users' Computers?

    To disable Alternate Error Pages in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety under Security Restrictions. Click on the Disable button for Alternate Error Pages.

  • How to disable Translate on Users' Computers?

    To disable Translate in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety under Security Restrictions. Click on the Disable button for Translate.

  • How do I disable URL-keyed Anonymized Data Collection on Users' Computers?

    To disable URL-keyed Anonymized Data Collection in the Chrome browser, navigate to the Policies tab. Select Browser Customization and create a Chrome policy. Navigate to Privacy & Safety under Security Restrictions. Click on the Disable button for URL-keyed Anonymized Data Collection.

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