Web activity tracking is the process of monitoring the online activity of users across your network. This activity can include web searches, website visits, social media interactions, online purchases, online gaming, and more.
Enterprises adopt the practice of monitoring employees' activities on the Web Wide Web activities to enhance productivity and ensure security. It assists IT administrators in gaining insights into user behavior, helping them make informed decisions about website access. With Browser Security Plus web activity tracking, IT administrators can monitor the use of non-work websites and enforce restrictions on productivity-hindering sites using the Web Filter.
The internet has become a source of both immeasurable information and countless distractions. Getting sidetracked reduces users’ productivity, and users landing on malicious webpages could subject the organization's sensitive information to the prying eyes of cybercriminals. Implementing user activity tracking software (web activity tracking) is an essential step IT admins need to take to improve users’ productivity and mitigate insider threats.
An insider threat is a danger that arises from within an organization. It represents the risk of employees unknowingly compromising the enterprise's critical data or of a malicious individual exposing this data for financial gain or to disrupt the enterprise's reputation. To mitigate this risk, implementing web activity tracking software is essential.
Web activity tracking allows IT admins to identify potential avenues for a data breach, including tracking files being downloaded and uploaded. Once a potential breach is identified, admins can then use a Web Filter to block access to malicious websites or restrict malicious download or upload attempts.
Users rely heavily on the internet to get their work done. This brings with it an inevitable string of online distractions. IT admins can track users' web activity to understand which websites are most popular. This information helps admins come up with suitable policies, like restricting access to certain websites entirely or just for a specific period of time.
The purpose of employing a web activity tracking software is to understand your employees' browsing patterns and come up with a strategy to improve security and productivity. If you want to impose a lockdown on the web and allow access only to trusted websites, then you can directly employ a web filter to allow only the trusted/authorised websites. Web activity tracking when used in a combination with web filter can help IT admins build strong zero-trust policies for the web.