CloudSpend resources reports

Gain full visibility into your resource inventory and effectively audit each element that affects your costs. Streamline your resource management and drive savings with our in-depth reporting tools.

Key benefits of resource reports

Customizable resource filters

Tailored resource reports for actionable insights

Empower your team to efficiently manage costs by creating custom resource reports. Utilize advanced filtering options to categorize resources based on expenditure and assign specific teams to address optimization opportunities.

Customizable resource filters
Run-rate monitoring

Monitor run-rates across multiple platforms

Analyze real-time resource run-rates for services like AWS, Snowflake, MongoDB, and Confluent. Access granular data on resources, including EBS Volumes, EC2 Instances, Container Services, and S3 Buckets, to inform your financial strategies.

Run-rate monitoring
Cost insights

Comprehensive cost insights for individual resources

Dive deep into each resource with dedicated cost-analysis pages. Leverage enriched information from service APIs and CloudWatch integrations to understand what drives your costs and identify potential savings.

Cost insights
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