How can I install Endpoint Central MSP agents through Network share?  

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Endpoint Central MSP supports agent installation using Network share. This help page document will guide you through the steps to install agents over a shared network.


  1. Create a common network share accessible by every machine in the network.

  2. Download the respective remote office agent installer file from
    Agent -> Agent Installation -> Other Methods -> Download Agent under Command Line option.

  3. Extract the zip into a folder in the agent machine.

  4. Copy the below provided files from the extracted location to the network share.
    DesktopcentralAgent.msi, DesktopcentralAgent.mst (For build below 10.1.2220.1)
    UEMSAgent.msi, UEMSAgent.mst (For build above 10.1.2220.1)

  5. Download the following scripts in the agent machine. (For build below 10.1.2220.1)
    (For build above 10.1.2220.1)

  1. Open command prompt from the location where the scripts are downloaded (Run as Administrator).

  2. Extract the zip into a folder in the agent machine.

  3. Run the below command from the command prompt.

    installagent.bat <network_share_path>
    Ex : installagent.bat "\\\Share"





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