Agent Troubleshooting Tool

ManageEngine Endpoint Central MSP performs all desktop management activities using its Agent. If the Endpoint Central MSP agent present on the client computers is not active/reachable, then Endpoint Central server will not be able to manage the specific computer. The agent is designed in such a way that it contacts the Endpoint Central MSP server once in every 90 minutes to receive the updates/tasks from the Endpoint Central MSP server/Distribution Server. When the agents do not communicate with the Endpoint Central MSP, you will have to manually troubleshoot the reasons and get them fixed. Endpoint Central MSP has automated this process, and has introduced a tool for troubleshooting the agent.

Troubleshooting the Endpoint Central MSP Agent

This tool will be available on the Endpoint Central MSP agents. You can establish a remote connection with the target computer and initiate the troubleshooting process by clicking on the Endpoint Central MSP's Agent Tray icon. Right click on the "Agent Tray Icon" and select Troubleshoot. You can see a new window opens, you will have to click on "Start Troubleshooting button" to initiate the process. Alternatively, agent troubleshooting tool can be accessed by <AgentInstallation_Directory>\UEMS_Agent\bin\agent_troubleshooting_tool.exe. You will find the details as mentioned in the screen shot below:

This tool will run through the primary checks to verify the status of the agent. The following information will be verified and detailed summary will be listed.

  • Agent Service
  • Agent Identity
  • Agent Binaries
  • WMI Connection Status
  • Active Directory Connection Status
  • Antivirus
  • Notification Server Connection Status
  • Endpoint Central MSP Server Connection Status

You will get a detailed report which will explain the status of the connections and error messages, with the link to appropriate Read KB articles to get the problems resolved. You will be asked to contact  Endpoint Central MSP support with the logs, if the problems could not be resolved based on the given guidelines.

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