Endpoint Central MSP scans the computers in your clients' network periodically and collects data related to hardware and software assets that are installed. Information related to hardware and software applications is updated by Endpoint Central MSP. This data is synchronized immediately with ServiceDesk Plus MSP.
If both Endpoint Central MSP and ServiceDesk Plus MSP scan the computers in your network for data related to hardware and software assets the existing information will be overwritten with the latest information.
Before you integrate details about assets with ServiceDesk Plus MSP, you must ensure the following:
Ensure that the build numbers conform to the details given below:
Endpoint Central MSP: Professional Edition, Build number 80000 or later versions
ServiceDesk Plus MSP: Professional Edition, Build number 7601 or later versions
Run both Endpoint Central MSP and ServiceDesk Plus MSP in your network
Manage all the computers in your network using Endpoint Central MSP
Ensure that the Customer Names in Endpoint Central MSP is same as the Account Name in ServiceDesk Plus MSP
Similarly, the Remote Office Name in Endpoint Central MSP should be same as Site Name in ServiceDesk Plus MSP
To integrate the Asset data from Endpoint Central with ServiceDesk Plus, follow the steps given below:
Click the Admin tab
In the Global Settings section, click ServiceDesk Plus MSP Settings
In the ServiceDesk Plus MSP Settings section, check the Enable ServiceDesk Plus MSP Integration checkbox
In the Service Desk Server Plus MSP Details section, specify the following details about the ServiceDesk Plus MSP Server:
IP address/DNS name
Port number
Required communication protocol
No configuration is required on your ServiceDesk Plus MSP installation for integrating the Asset Data.
If you select HTTPS mode of communication, you must provide the SSL certificate of ServiceDesk Plus MSP. To do this copy the file "sdp.keystore", to your computer, from the following location: <ServiceDesk Plus MSP Installation Home>/Server/Default/conf directory Select the file that you have copied using the Choose File button.
If you are using a third-party SSL certificate, you must also provide information regarding the alias name you provided when generating the keystore file and the password for the keystore. |
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