Configuring Agent settings

This document will explain you on the following:

Installing Agents from Endpoint Central MSP Console

    1. The client computers can be added from Admin tab --> SoM --> Computers --> Add Computers button. This will list the domains and workgroups that have been added.

    2. Click the Select Computers link pertaining to a domain/workgroup. This opens the Select Computers dialog listing all the available computers of the domain/workgroup.

    3. Select the computers that have to be managed using Endpoint Central MSP and click OK. You can also manually specify the computer names instead of choosing them from the list. The selected computers gets added to the Selected Computers table in the Add Computers view.

    4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for adding computers from multiple domains/workgroups.

    5. Select either the "Add to SoM or Add & Install agents" button to install the Endpoint Central agents in the selected computers immediately for the latter and to just add the computers for the former. You need to install the agents later to manage them.

      If you are trying to deploy agents to Mac/Linux computers, then ensure that you have provided the root credentials for the deployment to happen remotely.
    6. Click Done to add the selected computers. All the selected computers gets added to the Scope of Management.

The Scope of Management page will list all the computers that are being managed by Endpoint Central MSP along with the status of the agent installation and the agent version.  Agents can also be installed at a later stage, by selecting the computers from Admin --> SoM page and clicking the Install Agent button from the Endpoint Central Console. If you have problems in installing the agents, refer to our online knowledge base for possible causes and solutions.

Installing Agents Manually

To install an agent manually, follow the steps given below:

    1. Under SoM, select the local office you have added.

    2. In the Download Agent column, against the local office you have added, click the Download LAN Agent icon

    3. Save the .zip file in the computer on which you want to install the agent

    4. Extract the contents of the zip file

    5.  Open a command prompt with run as admin privilege and navigate to the location of extracted zip folder and run the command setup.bat

    6. Select option 1 to install agent in this computer

You have now successfully deployed LAN agent.

Installing Agents using IP Addresses and IP Ranges

You can also install agents using IP addresses and IP ranges by using a .exe file with support files to install agents using a command-line tool. Refer our document for steps to install an agent using IP addresses and IP ranges.

Retry Agent Installation

Enabling this settings will automatically retry to install the Endpoint Central MSP agents, on the failed targets. If one of the target computer is not reachable, instead of manually retrying to install the agent, you can specify the number of times, the automatic retry should happen. You can also specify the maximum frequency for this to be repeated. The retry process will be performed based on the specified frequency for the specified number of days. Mail alerts can be configured to notify when the agent installation has succeeded on one or more computers. Follow the steps mentioned below to configure retry agent installation process:

  1. Click Admin tab on the web console

  2. Choose SoM

  3. Select Settings

  4. Enable the check box, to retry agent installation process

  5. Specify the frequency and the number of days for the retry process to happen.

  6. Specify the email address to which the notifications need to be sent.

You have successfully configured the settings to retry agent installation on failed computers.

Uninstalling Agents

To uninstall the agents from the computers, select the desktops from the list and select Uninstall Agent from the Actions box.

Removing the Computers

To remove the computers from the list, select the computers and select Remove Computer from the Actions box. The Endpoint Central agents have to be uninstalled prior to removing a computer from the scope.

Identifying the Live Status of Endpoint Central Agent

Endpoint Central MSP updates the live status of computers periodically. This data is updated every ten minutes or while an on-demand operation is performed on a client computer.  You can see the live status of the Endpoint Central MSP agents by clicking on SoM, under "Computers" View. The following status will be displayed:

  1.  The computer icon will be in green color if the Endpoint Central Agent is live.

  2. The computer icon will be in red, if the Endpoint Central agent is down. Endpoint Central agent can be down in the following scenarios:

    1. If the computer is not in the network

    2. If the computer  is shutdown

    3. If the Endpoint Central agent service has been stopped

    4. If the Endpoint Central agent has been crashed

  3. The computer icon will be in grey, if Endpoint Central MSP agent is not installed in it. Those computers are discovered in the SoM because they are added to the active directory but not managed by Endpoint Central MSP.






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