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Personalizing the Client

Endpoint Central MSP provides users with the functionality to configure user accounts based on personal priorities and requirements. The settings option enables you to change an existing password, set the session time, select a theme etc.

These settings are user-specific and each user can have their own settings.

To set a Profile Picture

  1. Select the User profile on the top right corner of the console and click on user image.
  2. Drag the desired picture to the image box, or upload an image from your computer and customize the thumbnail.
  3. Click on "Set as profile photo"

The profile picture will be uploaded.

To personalize, select the User profile on the top right corner of the console --> Personalize link.

To change the password

  1. Enter the existing password in the Old Password field.
  2. Enter the new password in the New Password field.
  3. Enter the new password again for confirmation in the Confirm Password field.
  4. Click the Save Changes button.

The new password gets updated. Subsequently, you have to use the new password to login to the client.

To set the session time

  1. Select the session expiry time in hours from the Session Expiry Time combo box to the desired value.
  2. Click the Save Changes button.

The session expiry time gets updated.

To select the time zone

  1. Choose the appropriate time zone.
  2. Click Save Changes button.

To provide the time format

  1. Specify the time format.
  2. Click Save Changes button.

To choose the display language.

Note: You will only be able to select a language if you have purchased the Multi-Language pack as an add on. To find out more about the Multi-Language pack, click here.

  1. Select the language for display from the available options.
  2. Click Save Changes button.
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