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Defining Targets


After defining the configuration, the configuration has to be deployed in the target client workstations. The target client workstations have to be defined for the configurations individually. Defining the targets  involves selecting various types of targets given below:

The targets must be defined to deploy the Configuration in the machines of the network. When you add a configuration or collection of Configuration, you can find "Step 2" as Define Target in the GUI or in this documentation. This section explains the procedure to define the target for a configuration or collection of Configuration.

To define the targets for deploying the configuration or collection, the targets must be added to the Target List. A target can be added, removed or modified in the Target List.

Selecting Targets from a Domain

To add target computers and users from a Active Directory based domain, follow the steps below:

  1. Select a domain from the list.
  2. You can deploy the configuration to any of the following:
    1. Site - to deploy the configuration to all the users/computers of that site.
    2. Domain - to deploy the configuration to all the users/computers of that domain.
    3. Organizational Unit - to deploy the configuration to all the users/computers of that OU.
    4. Group - to deploy the configuration to all the users/computers of that Group.
    5. User/Computer - to deploy the configuration to the specified users/computers.
    6. IP Addresses - to deploy the configuration to the specified IP Addresses. You can also specify a range of IP Addresses to deploy a configuration by selecting the IP Range option and specifying the starting and ending IP. This option is available only for the computer configurations.
    7. Custom Group - to deploy the configuration to all the users/computers of the selected Custom Group.
    8. After adding the target computers, you can specify the filtering criteria to exclude certain types of users/computers from applying the configuration. Specify the criteria as required.
    9. Click Add More Targets and repeat steps 1 to 3 for adding more targets.
    10. Points to be noted:

      • Sites, Groups and Organizational Units will be shown in the secondary target only if Active directory has been configured for that particular domain.
      • If you wish to deploy the configuration for users/computers in different domains, use the Add More Targets button to add targets from multiple domains.
      • While adding an Active Directory object, if the name doesn't show up, click on browse icon towards the right, and then click on "sync now" on the pop up that appears. All Active Directory components will be synced and the database will be updated.

Selecting Targets from a Workgroup

To add target computers and users from a workgroup, follow the steps below:

  1. Select a workgroup from the list.
  2. You can deploy the configuration to any of the following:
    1. Workgroup - to deploy the configuration to all the users/computers of that workgroup.
    2. User/Computer - to deploy the configuration to the specified users/computers.
    3. IP Addresses - to deploy the configuration to the specified IP Addresses. You can also specify a range of IP Addresses to deploy a configuration by selecting the IP Range option and specifying the starting and ending IP. This option is available only for the computer configurations.
    4. Custom Group - to deploy the configuration to all the users/computers of the selected Custom Group.
  3. After adding the target computers, you can specify the filtering criteria to exclude certain types of users/computers from applying the configuration. Specify the criteria as required.
  4. Click Add More Targets and repeat steps 1 to 3 for adding more targets.

Note: If you wish to deploy the configuration for users/computers in different workgroups, use the Add More Targets button to add targets from multiple workgroups.

Selecting Targets in Remote Offices

To add target computers and users from remote offices, follow the steps below:

  1. Select a remote office from the list. The remote office can either be a domain or a workgroup.
  2. You can deploy the configuration to any of the following:
    1. Site - to deploy the configuration to all the users/computers of that site. This option is only available if the selected remote office is a domain.
    2. Remote Office - to deploy the configuration to all the users/computers of that remote office.
    3. Organizational Unit - to deploy the configuration to all the users/computers of that OU. This option is only available if the selected remote office is a domain.
    4. Group - to deploy the configuration to all the users/computers of that Group. This option is only available if the selected remote office is a domain.
    5. User/Computer - to deploy the configuration to the specified users/computers.
    6. IP Addresses - to deploy the configuration to the specified IP Addresses. You can also specify a range of IP Addresses to deploy a configuration by selecting the IP Range option and specifying the starting and ending IP. This option is available only for the computer configurations.
    7. Custom Group - to deploy the configuration to all the users/computers of the selected Custom Group.
  3. After adding the target computers, you can specify the filtering criteria to exclude certain types of users/computers from applying the configuration. Specify the criteria as required.
  4. Click Add More Targets and repeat steps 1 to 3 for adding more targets.
  5. Points to be noted:

    • Sites, Groups and Organizational Units will be shown in the secondary target only if Active directory has been configured for that particular Remote Office.
    • If you wish to deploy the configuration for users/computers in different domains, use the Add More Targets button to add targets from multiple domains.
    • While adding an Active Directory ov]bject, if the name doesn't show up, click on browse icon towards the right, and then click on "sync now" on the pop up that appears. All Active Directory components will be synced and the database will be updated.

Filter the selected target

You can exclude certain parts of the network which does not require the configuration to be deployed. This is optional when defining the targets. Endpoint Central provides the option to exclude the parts of the Windows network. Select the Exclude Target check box to view the available options:

Exclude if Target Type is

The target types can be excluded which are in the lower hierarchy to the target selected in the Select the target type and define field. The target type can be excluded using the Browse button. Click the Browse button next to the required target types under the Exclude if Target Type is field to launch Network Browser window. Select the target type to be excluded for configuration deployment and click Select button. This field is mandatory. The target type can be any of the following (varies based on the target options selected):

  • Branch - The branch offices to be excluded
  • Domain - The domains to be excluded
  • Organization Unit - The OUs to be excluded
  • Group - The groups to be excluded
  • Computer - The computers to be excluded
  • IP Address - The IP Addresses to be excluded
  • IP Range - The range of IP Addresses to be excluded
  • Custom Group - The custom groups to be excluded

Exclude if Operating System is

The targets with specific Windows OS can be excluded for configuration deployment. Select the options under the Exclude if Operating System is field which has to excluded for configuration deployment.

Exclude if Machine Type is

The targets with specific machine type such as Notebook, Tablet PC, Desktop, Member Server, TermServClient, or Domain Controller can be excluded for configuration deployment. Select the options under the Exclude if Machine Type is field which has to excluded for configuration deployment.

Modifying a Target

To modify a target in the Target List, follow these steps:

  1. Select the button under Actions column in the desired row that has to modified.
  2. Change the targets as required and click the Modify Target button. The target details are updated in Target List.

Deleting a Target

To delete a row in the Target List, select the button under Actions column next to target that has to removed.

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