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Manage Software Licenses

Managing Software Licenses is one of the important aspect of asset management that helps enterprises in being compliant and in planning for additional purchases or during license renewals. In managing the software licenses, you would expect to achieve the following:

  • Able to get their software compliant status
  • Add the details of their software purchases - both one time and additional purchases of the same software
  • Should know the computers using those licenses.
  • Should be able to reallocate a license, if it is not used/required, to a different resource that require them
  • Help them decide on software renewals and purchases.
  • Group different versions of the same software and manage their licenses as a single entity.

Add Software License Details

To Add/Edit Software License details for commercial software, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Manage Licenses from the Inventory tab. This will list the details of all the licenses that have been added. To add or edit the license detail, click the Add License button.
  2. Select the software from the list. You should have scanned the Windows systems at least once to have the details of the software here. However you can also specify software that is not in the list.
  3. The manufacturer and the software version details are pre-filled and cannot be modified.
  4. Specify the number of licenses purchased.
  5. Specify the details to whom the software is licensed to (optional).
  6. Specify the purchase and expiry date in the respective fields (optional).
  7. Add the License file and the Invoice related to the license purchase, if required
  8. Add comments, if required.
  9. The next step is to associate these licenses to the computers. This step is optional and is used only for a logical reference.
    1. Select the Installed Computers option to view only the computers that have this software installed or Managed Computers to list all the computers that you are managing using Endpoint Central
    2. Select the computer to which you wish to associate the license and move them to the Associated computers list.
  10. Click Save to update the license details.

The details gets updated in the table below. It includes the following details:

  • Software Name: Name of the commercial software.
  • Manufacturer: The software manufacturer (vendor)
  • Licensed To: To whom the software is licensed.
  • Purchased: No. of licenses purchased
  • Installed: No. of licensed software copies that are installed in the network.
  • Purchased Date: The date of purchase.
  • Expiry Date: The date of expiry.
  • License Key: The Purchase license Key details.
  • License File: The file containing the license particulars for a particular software.
  • Invoice File: The file containing the Purchase information for a particular software.

You can filter the view based on the compliant status of the software like Under License, Over license, in compliance and expired software.

Adding Additional Licenses

If you have purchased additional licenses for the same software and if you wish to update the information, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Manage Licenses from Inventory tab. This will list the details of all the licenses that have been added.
  2. Click the Add More link from the Actions column of the software for which you want to add additional licenses.
  3. Specify the Number of licenses you have purchased along with the other details and click Save.
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