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Viewing Software Details

This document explains you on the following:

Overview On Software Inventory

The Software Inventory view provides the details of the software detected in the scanned systems.

To view the software inventory details, select the Inventory tab and click the Software link. You can filter the view by Software Type, Access Type, or License Compliance status using the Filter option. It provides the following details:

  • Software Name: Name of the software.
  • Version: The version of the software.
  • Software Type: Can be either commercial or non-commercial. Use the Move To option to specify the software type.
  • Purchased: Number of copies purchased. This information has to be provided by clicking the Add / Modify License button or from Manage Software Licenses.
  • Installed: Number of copies installed.
  • Remaining: Number of licenses remaining.
  • Compliant Status: The license compliance status of the software. The status is arrived based on the license count specified using the Add / Modify License button or from Manage Software Licenses and is not applicable for non-commercial software.
  • Managed Installation: Refers to the number of installations that are being managed within your scope
  • Network Installation: Refers to the number of installations that are being managed by Endpoint Central
  • Access Type: Can be either Allowed or Prohibited. To add/remove software to the prohibited links, use the Move To option or from Configure Prohibited Software.
  • Vendor: The software vendor.
  • Licensed To: Refers to the person or the company to whom the software is licensed.
  • Purchased Date: Date of purchase of license.
  • License Expiry Date: Date of license expiry.
  • Remarks: Remarks, if any.

You can use the Column Chooser to select the columns to view.

Adding License Details

  1. Select the software from the table and click Add/Modify License. This opens the Add / Modify License view.
  2. The manufacturer and the software version details are pre-filled and cannot be modified.
  3. Specify the number of licenses purchased.
  4. Specify the purchase and expiry date in the respective fields (optional).
  5. Click Add License.

Specifying Software Type and Access Type

  1. Select the software from the table and choose the allowed or prohibited access type, and choose commercial or non-commercial license of the software from the Move To combo box. You can select multiple softwares at the same time.
  2. One can import custom field values by uploading the required CSV file.(optional)
  3. Click OK to confirm.

Specifying Software Category

  1. Select the software from the table and choose a category from the Assign To Category combo box. You can select multiple software and assign them to a category.
  2. Click OK to confirm.

Note: When you assign a software that was earlier assigned to a different category to a new category, it gets automatically disassociated from the previous category. This means that you cannot have the same software in two different categories simultaneously.

Uninstalling the Software

Administrators can use Endpoint Central's software inventory view, to audit the list of software which are installed in the network. If by any chance, the administrator wanted to uninstall a specific software from a computer, then uninstallation can be invoked from the inventory view itself. This will facilitate the administrator during audit purpose.

To unistall a software from Inventory View, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Click Inventory tab
  2. Choose Software under Views
  3. Select the Software, which needs to be uninstalled and click "Uninstall icon" under Actions
  4. If a software package already exists for the same software, then the silent uninstallation keys will be pre-filled here. If required, specify the Silent uninstallation keys. It is recommended to test the silent uninstallation keys, before using them.

You can see that the software uninstallation has been initiated successfully. Once  the computer becomes reachable, the software will be uninstalled and software will be removed from the software inventory view. However, if you wanted to uninstall a specific software from all the computers, it is recommended to add the software to prohibited software list.

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