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Viewing Warranty Reports

Endpoint Central MSP automatically retrieves the warranty information of Dell, Toshiba and Lenova computers and provides you the details of the computers whose warranty is about to expire or whose warranty has already expired, etc. While Dell, Toshiba and Lenova computers require no additional information other than their service tag. Endpoint Central MSP does not support automatic retrieval of warranty for  HP computers, however you  can choose to update them yourself manually. For computers other than  Toshiba, Dell and Lenova, you can specify the shipping and expiry information manually here to get warranty information in reports. Follow the steps below to manually update the warranty details::

  1. Select Admin -->Inventory Settings -->Add Custom Data for Computers
  2. Choose the computer, to which you wanted to manually add the warranty details
  3. Click Bulk Update, to udpate the warranty details manually. However, remember that adding warranty details manually will stop automatic retrieval of warranty details. You can also import the product numbers in bulk using the Import from CSV option
  4. Click Save to store the changes

You can see that the warranty details that you have added manually will also be updated in the reports.

Soon-to-expire Warranty

Provides you the details of the computers whose warranty is about to expire soon. You can filter the view to choose the Domain, Custom Group and expiry period.

Expired Warranty

Provides the list of computers whose warranty has already expired

Unidentified Computers

Computers whose warranty information could not be retrieved or for those whose expiry information has not been specified manually will be listed here.

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