Message Box for Computer

Administrators can create a configuration to display messages using "Message Box" to the users. These messages will be displayed on the user's computer for a time interval specified by the administrator. Users will not have control to close the message box, which will be displayed using this configuration.

Adding Message Box

The following steps will explain you on how to display "Message Box" to Computers:

  1. Click Configurations tab
  2. Under Add Configurations, select Configurations
  3. Choose Mac tab
  4. Select Message Box and choose Computer
  5. Specify the name and description for the configuration
  6. Select the operation type as create
  7. Specify the type of Message type as "Information, Warning or Error"
  8. Enter the Title and Message, which needs to be displayed on the target computer
  9.  Specify the time interval, for how long should the message be displayed on the computer
  10. Specify the frequency for this message to be displayed, like only once, during every system startup logon, during subsequent system startup for specified number of times or all system startup until a specified time period.
  11. Define the target and notification settings
  12. Deploy the configuration.

You have successfully deployed a configuration to display message to Computers

Removing Message Box

The following steps will explain you on how to remove messages, which were displayed using Endpoint Central MSP:

  1. Click Configurations tab
  2. Under Add Configurations, select Configurations
  3. Choose Mac tab
  4. Select Message Box and choose Computer
  5. Specify the name and description for the configuration
  6. Select the operation type as Delete. This will remove all the messages, which were displayed using message box configuration.
  7. Define the target and notification settings
  8. Deploy the configuration.

You have successfully deployed a configuration to remove messages, which were displayed using Endpoint Central MSP