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Security Policies - Task Scheduler

Endpoint Central supports configuring the following security policies in Task Scheduler category:

Security Policy Description

Hide property pages

This setting removes the Properties item from the File menu in Scheduled Tasks and from the context menu that appears when you right-click a task. As a result, users cannot change any properties of a task. They can only see the properties that appear in Detail view and in the task preview.

Prevent task run or end

Prevents users from starting and stopping tasks manually.

Prohibit drag and drop

Prevents users from adding or removing tasks by moving or copying programs in the Scheduled Tasks folder.

Prohibit new task creation

Prevents users from creating new tasks

Prohibit task deletion

Prevents user from deleting users from the scheduled tasks folder

Remove advanced menu

Prevents users from viewing or changing the properties of newly created tasks.

Prohibit browse

This setting removes the Browse button from the Schedule Task Wizard and from the Task tab of the properties dialog box for a task. Also, users cannot edit the "Run" box or the "Start in" box that determine the program and path for a task.



The policy descriptions are taken from Microsoft Help Documentation

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