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Configuring Automated Patch Deployment

With the steady rise in attack vendors and frequency of attacks, it is mandatory to keep all your enterprise endpoints up to date and round the clock patched. The best way to address this problem, is to have a systematic and automated solution that manages multiple OSs and third party application patches effectively.
Endpoint Central MSP's Automate Patch Deployment (APD) feature provides system administrators the ability to deploy patches missing in their network computers automatically, without any manual intervention required.The Automate Patch Deployment option is available under Patch Management -> Deployment.

Enhancements in Automate Patch Deployment:

Enhancements to the Automate Patch Deployment (APD) have been made to ensure there are no delays in the detection and deployment of patches to the computers missing them in your network.

Follow the steps to create and configure an Automate Patch Deployment task:

  1. Automate patch deployment if you are using Endpoint Central MSP build version 10.0.192 and above.

  2. Automate patch deployment if you are using a Endpoint Central MSP build version below 10.0.192.

  3. If you want to migrate APD tasks from old workflow to the new workflow (enhanced Automate Patch Deployment available from build version 10.0.192 onwards).

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