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Viewing Latest Patches

The Latest Patches view lists the details of the patches pertaining to the recently released Microsoft Bulletins.

To view the Latest Patches, select the Latest Patches link under the Patch Mgmt tab. You can filter the view based on the application and service pack by selecting the appropriate product and service pack.

The following details of the patches are displayed:

  1. Patch ID: A unique reference ID in Endpoint Central MSP for every patch

  2. Bulletin ID: The advisory article provided by the vendor which contains information about the vulnerability and patch availability. Clicking this link, will lead you to the Bulletin Details view, which provides more info about the Bulletin and the vulnerability

  3. Download Status: Determines whether the patch is downloaded from the net (vendor site) and is made available in the Endpoint Central MSP's Patch Repository for deployment.

  4. Patch Name: The name of the patch. Clicking this link, will lead you to the Patch Details view, which provides more details about the patch.

  5. Patch Description: A brief description about the patch.

  6. Patch Type: Refers to whether this patch applies to Microsoft OS/Applications or Non-Microsoft Applications like Adobe, Java, etc.

  7. Reboot: Specifies whether the patch installation requires a system reboot or not.

  8. Severity: Determines the importance of the patch. These severity ratings are as per the bulletin or advisory information.

  9. Approve Status: This refers to whether the patch has been approved for bulk deployment via Automated Patch Deployment. This is significant only if you have enabled Patch Approval prior to buld deployment. You can also approve or decline a patch by selecting the appropriate option from the "Mark As" menu.

  10. Release Date: Refers to the date of release of the patch by the vendor.

  11. Platform: Refers to the platform of the Operating System like Windows or Mac.

  12. Vendor: Refers to the vendor of the Operating System like Microsoft or Apple.

  13. Reboot: Refers if the patch requires a reboot or not.

  14. Patch Uninstallation: Refers if uninstallation is supported for the patch or not.

You can initiate the following actions from here:

  1. Download: Selecting the required patches and clicking Download will download the patch from the vendor site and make it available in the Endpoint Central's Patch Repository for deployment.

  2. Install Patches: Selecting the required patches and clicking Install Patch, will open the Install Patch Configuration page from where you can select the targets and deploy. The selected patches will be applied only to the target computers with the corresponding operating system. If the selected patches were applicable for Windows Operating System, then the patches will be distributed only to computers using Windows Operating System and vice versa.

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