Endpoint Central MSP's Remote Control feature enables administrators to access any computer in a Local Area Network (LAN) or a Wide Area Network.
Ensure that you have completed these prerequisites and made the required settings before you connect remotely to a computer.
Using this feature you can do the following:
Connect remotely to computers
Transfer files between computers
Switch between multiple monitors during a remote session
To connect remotely to computers, follow the steps given below:
Click the Tools tab
Click Remote Control
Click icon to establish connection with a remote computer
You have connected remotely to a computer. You can use the View Desktop link to control the user's computer. When you establish a remote session with a Mac computer, and no user has logged on or no user is active then you will have not control over the remote computer's mouse or key board. It is recommended to use "Fast User Switch" option in such cases.
When you are connecting to a remote desktop for the first time from a specific system, you must log in to the system with local administrative privileges. Subsequent connections from the same machine do not require this, as the necessary ActiveX controls and plug-ins would have got downloaded. |
To transfer files to remote computers, follow the steps given below:
Click the Tools tab
In the Windows Tools section, click Remote Control
Click Connect against the name of a computer to connect remotely to it
On the top of the remote-connection screen, click File Transfer
Select the required file from a folder from your computer
Click to transfer it to a folder in the remote computer
You have transferred files to a remote computer.
When you establish a remote connection, Endpoint Central MSP automatically detects the monitors are available and displays this information on the ActiveX tool bar. You can choose the monitor that you want to view and can switch between the available monitors whenever you want, during the session.
To switch between multiple monitors during a remote session, follow the steps given below:
Click the Tools tab
Click Remote Control
On the Computers tab, in the Viewer section, select Active X.
Only the Active X viewer supports viewing multiple monitors during a remote session. |
In the Action column, against the computer that you want to connect to, click Connect
Click View Desktop
When Endpoint Central detects multiple monitors, it automatically adds an icon on the toolbar, which enables you to switch between multiple monitors. It is known as the Multi Monitor icon. The primary monitor gets displayed by default. |
Click the Multi Monitor icon to switch between monitors
You can now switch between multiple monitors during a remote session.
After establishing connection with a remote desktop, you can complete the same tasks that you do from any computer. For example, you can create and deploy a configuration. You can use the toolbar to complete the following tasks:
Toolbar Icon | Action |
Send a Ctrl+Alt+Delete message to a remote computer |
Refresh the current view. If the computer is locked or no user has logged on, you are required to login |
Switch between different applications in the remote computer |
Black out a user's monitor so that the user cannot view the tasks that you are completing on the the remote computer |
Lock a user's keyboard and mouse |
Unlock a user's keyboard and mouse |
Gain control to access a user's computer |
Give the control back to the user |
Zoom in |
Zoom out |
Reset a view to its original size |
Reset the size of the view so that it fits onto the screen |
View a remote desktop in full screen mode |
Read about known issues and limitations related to sharing desktops remotely, here.
Whenever a user establishes a remote connection using Endpoint Central, all the events performed on the remote computer are logged. Clicking the icon available beside the computer name will list all the remote access made to that computer with the details of the user and the start/end time.
You can also view the history of all the remote connections that have been established, using Endpoint Central, in the History tab. The details that you can view are as follows:
Date on which the connection was made
User name of the user who made the connection
Name of the computer which was accessed
Time at which the connection was made
Duration for which the connection lasted
IP address of the viewer
Name of the domain from which the viewer logged on
Endpoint Central MSP has a unique facility to record the remote sessions, administrators can configure the remote control settings like quality of the video, file format type,etc. During the video recording the files are stored in the clients computer and at the end of the session, it will be uploaded to the Endpoint Central server. sessions are stored are To record the remote sessions follow the steps mentioned below.
Click the Tools tab
In the Windows Tools section, click Remote Control
Click on Screen Recording to configure the settings
To enable secure recording click on the check box.
Select the compressor code to specify the format of the video
Specify the frames to be captured every second, this helps determines the quality and the size of the video.
Specify the colour quality and also the default storage capacity.
Choose the option to discontinue the recording or dis connect the remote session when the client computer run out of space.
Specify whether the user needs to be notified about the recording process
Click on the check box to always show a notification while recording or specify the time for notification.
Enter the notification message in the box displayed.
Click on save to store settings
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