File Transfer

Endpoint Central MSP allows you to remotely access desktops and transfer files between them. The Remote Desktop Sharing mechanism supports remote login to any desktop in your network by any user account that has Remote Control privileges.

File Transfer - Advantages

  1. Files can be transferred between both the machines viz.,the one initiating the Remote Control Session and that which is getting connected with.
  2. Ability to transfer files across domains and workgroup machines.
  3. The entire process is Fast, Reliable, and Secure.

File Transfer Ports

The following are the list of ports that need to opened in the Endpoint Central MSP Server. Ensure the ports are excluded from firewall, proxy server and load balancer if available:

Version Secure Port Non-secure Port
Below 11.2.2309.1 8054 8053
11.2.2309.1 and above  8047 8048


  1. If you are in version 11.2.2309.1 or above, you need not exclude 8054/8053/customized file transfer ports from firewall or proxy server.
  2. The default mode is Secure mode. However to select non-secure mode, click on the Edit Settings link in the Remote Control page and simply uncheck the "Use Secure Connection" checkbox under the Port Settings of Remote Control Settings page.
  3. If file transfer is disabled in your console, please contact our support to enable. 


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