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USB - Audit

USB devices have been a vital threat to data security. Almost every enterprise has a need to monitor the usage of USB devices within the network. In addition to securing the USB access, Endpoint Central MSP also helps you to track the usage of USB devices. Administrators can now audit the USB usage details and configure USB Alert using Endpoint Central MSP. This document will explain you about the steps involved in configuring the following:

Note: This feature is currently supported only for computers using windows operating system.

Viewing USB Usage Reports

Follow the steps mentioned below to view the usage of the USB devices in the managed computers:

  1. Click Reports tab

  2. From the left panel find  Reports Category

  3. Select USB Reports

  4.  Under USB Audit Reports Click USB usage Report

You will have the reports listed, from which you can choose to see the summary and detailed view.

USB Audit Settings

USB audit settings will be enabled by default. Users can disable if required. Follow the steps mentioned below to configure USB Audit settings;

  1. Click Admin Tab

  2. Under Configuration Settings, select USB Settings and choose Audit settings

  3. Enable USB audit settings

  4. Specify the number of days you wanted the USB usage history to be maintained.

  5. Specify how often should the report be generated.

  6. Click Save Changes

USB audit settings will be saved and the reports will be generated accordingly.

USB Alert Settings

Administrators can configure the USB alert settings. Every time a user tries to plug-in a restricted USB device, they will be notified with an alert message stating that the usage of USB device is  restricted and will be asked to contact the system administrator. Follow the steps mentioned below to configure the USB alert settings:

  1. Click Admin Tab

  2. Under Configuration Settings, select USB Settings and choose Audit settings

  3. Enable USB alert settings

  4. Specify the title and the message that needs to be displayed to the end user while a restricted USB device is plugged in.

  5. You can specify,  if the message should be displayed only for the first time or every time a restricted  USB device is plugged in.

  6. Click Save Changes  to store the settings.

You have successfully configured the USB alert settings.

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