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Viewing Configuration Reports

The Configuration reports helps the administrators to view the details of the configurations that are applied on users, computers, and based on the configuration type. To view the reports, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click the Reports tab to invoke the Reports page.
  2. Click the desired report from the Configuration Reports.

The Configuration Reports includes the following reports:

Configuration by User

This report provides a list of users for whom configurations were applied using Endpoint Central MSP. It also provides details about the total number of configurations applied for a particular user and the last configuration and time at which it was applied. Clicking the user name will list the details of the configurations applied for that user.

You also have an option to filter your view based on the time at which the configuration was applied or by the configuration type.

Configuration by Computer

This report provides a list of computers for which configurations were applied using Endpoint Central MSP. It also provides details about the total number of configurations applied for that computer and the last configuration and time at which it was applied. Clicking the computer name will list the details of the configurations applied for that machine.

You also have an option to filter your view based on the time at which the configuration was applied or by the configuration type.

Configurations by Type

This report provides you the list of configurations that have been applied on users and computers based on the configuration type. It also provides you the total number of configurations that have been applied for a particular type and the last configuration, and time at which it was applied.

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