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A zero-day vulnerability is a software security flaw that is disclosed to the public but doesn't have a patch in place to fix the flaw. Zero-day attacks have been increasing at an alarming rate over the last few years. Even though zero-day vulnerabilities can't be fixed without patches from the vendor, it is nevertheless necessary to mitigate them before an attacker exploits the vulnerability. Since time is a crucial factor with zero-day vulnerabilities: the sooner you mitigate, the better. Vulnerability Manager Plus helps mitigate zero-day vulnerabilities by deploying scripts that enforce secure configurations, alter registry values, close vulnerable ports.

NOTE - It should be noted that even after the vendor releases a patch for a zero-day vulnerability, it will be listed under zero-day vulnerabilities because of its severity and importance.

Configuring alerts about latest zero-day vulnerabilities

If you want to stay updated with all the latest security related news including zero-days , go to Dashboard. Under Latest Security News section, you can see the news bulletins' that describe the latest security news. By clicking on them, you will be redirected to the ManageEngine pitstop blog, where you can learn more about this news. If you want to stay updated with all the latest security related news, press that bell icon and enter your Email ID; so that whenever any new security related news flashes, you will be notified via your mail.

Viewing and Mitigating Zero-day Vulnerabilities

To view the zero-day vulnerabilities present across your managed computers, click on Threats → Zero-day Vulnerabilities.

All the zero-day vulnerabilities will be listed here. To mitigate it, click on Fix present under Action column across that specific zero-day vulnerability.After clicking on Fix, there will be two cases:

  • Case 1: If a patch is not available, security configuration(s) will be deployed to mitigate the zero-day vulnerability.
  • Case 2: If a patch is available, a manual deployment task will be created on clicking Fix. For further steps, learn how to deploy patches manually to computers.
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