
'Announcement' feature of Endpoint Central MSP allows system administrators to send announcements to all the users within the network. Announcements can be created to be displayed once or at scheduled intervals. Administrators can also customize the start and end date for displaying the announcements. This section will explain you on the following:

Creating an Announcement

  1. Click Tools tab
  2. Click Announcement icon
  3. Click Create Announcement button
  4. Enter a Title for the message that needs to be showed on the client computers
  5. Enter the 'Message' that needs to be showed on the client computers
  6. Specify the start date and the end date for displaying the announcement. If no end date is specified, then the announcement will be displayed for ever.
  7. Set the frequency to display the announcement. You can choose to display the announcement once or multiple times. When you wanted to display the announcement multiple times, you can also specify the time interval for displaying the announcement.
  8. Select the target computers
  9. Click Save to save the changes.

Your announcement has been created successfully. It will be displayed on the client computers after the specified start date and frequency mentioned above.

Modifying an Announcement

  1. Click Tools tab
  2. Click Announcement icon
  3. Select the Announcement that needs to be modified
  4. Under Actions click on Modify
  5. Make necessary changes and click Save to save the changes.

Your announcement has been successfully modified. The modified announcement will be displayed to the targets to which the announcement has not been displayed so far or to the announcements to which it is scheduled to be displayed.

Suspending an Announcement

  1. Click Tools tab
  2. Click Announcement icon
  3. Select the Announcement that needs to be suspended
  4. Under Actions click on Suspend
  5. Click Save to save the changes.

Your announcement has been successfully suspended. This announcement will not be displayed to the targets henceforth. You can resume this announcement to continue displaying it in the client computers.

Resuming an Announcement

  1. Click Tools tab
  2. Click Announcement icon
  3. Select the Announcement that needs to be suspended
  4. Under Actions click on Resume
  5. Click Save to save the changes.

Your announcement has been successfully resumed. This announcement will be displayed to the targets as per the schedule or to the computers to which it was not displayed before.

Deleting an Announcement

  1. Click Tools tab
  2. Click Announcement icon
  3. Select the Announcement that needs to be suspended
  4. Under Actions click on Delete
  5. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Your announcement has been successfully deleted. This announcement will not be displayed to any computer henceforth.


  1. What will happen if an announcement is scheduled to displayed on a computer only once within a specific time period but the computer is inactive?
  2. How can i create a new announcement by editing the existing one?
  3. What will happen when i suspend an announcement which is scheduled to be displayed only once?
  4. What will happen when an announcement is targeted to an user who is logged on in multiple computers?
  1. What will happen if an announcement is scheduled to displayed on a computer only once within a specific time period but the computer is inactive?

    If an announcement is scheduled to be displayed on a computer only once within a specific time interval and the target computer is inactive during that time interval then the  status of the announcement will be displayed as "expired", which means is announcement has not be displayed but the time limit has ended.
  2. How can i create a new announcement by editing the existing one?

    You can follow the steps mentioned below to create a new announcement by editing the existing one:
    1. Click Tools tab
    2. Click Announcement icon
    3. Select the Announcement that needs to be cloned
    4. Under Actions click on Save As New
    5. Make necessary changes and Click Save to create a new announcement.
  3. What will happen when i suspend an announcement which is scheduled to be displayed only once?

    If an announcement is suspended, then the announcement will not be displayed to the client computers henceforth. You can resume the announcement in future to continue displaying the announcement. However the announcement will be displayed only if the announcement end date has not been reached and it will be displayed to computers to which this was not displayed.
  4. What will happen when an announcement is targeted to an user who is logged on in multiple computers?

  5. Announcement will be displayed on all the computers wherever the targeted user is logged on.
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