To create and schedule a task to run the Windows system tools in multiple computers, follow the steps below:
Select the Tools tab from the Endpoint Central MSP client. This opens the list of tools that can be run on the network machines.
Click on any of the tools under the System Tools category to open the Task Details page. This lists all the tasks that are already created and scheduled. Click the Add Task button to create a new task. This opens the Add Task Wizard and follow the instructions as explained below:
Provide a name and description for the task.
Select the tools that you wish to run and click Next.
Based on the tool selection, specify the options for executing the task as below:
Check Disk: Select the drive that has to be checked and the required options and click Next. You can select from any of the following options:
Verbose - Displays the name of each file in every directory as the disk is checked.
Quick Check - This option is only available for NTFS file system. This skips the checking of cycles within the folder structure and performs a less vigorous check of index entries to reduce the time.
Disk Cleanup: Select the files and folders to be cleaned and click Next. The following actions can be performed **
Compress old files - Windows can compress files that you have not used in a while. Compressing the files saves disk space while still enabling you to use them. No files are deleted. Because files are compressed at different rates, the displayed amount of disk space you will gain is approximate.
Remove content indexer - The Indexing service speeds up and improves file searches by maintaining an index of the files on the disk. These files are left over from a previous indexing operation and can be deleted safely.
Remove downloaded Program Files - Downloaded program files are ActiveX controls and Java programs that are downloaded automatically from the Internet when you view certain pages. They are temporarily stored in the Downloaded Program Files folder on your hard disk.
Remove internet cache files - The Temporary Internet Files folder contains Web pages that are stored on your hard disk for quick viewing. Your personalized settings for Web pages are left intact.
Remove Office setup files - Installation files used by office. If these files are removed from your computer, you may be prompted for original installation media or source during Reinstall, Repair, or Patch operation. It is recommended that you not remove these files unless you always have ready access to your installation media
Remove offline files - Temporary files are local copies of network files that you specifically made available offline so that you can use them when you are disconnected from the network.
Remove old check disk files - When Chkdsk checks your disk for errors, it might save lost file fragments as files in your disk's root folder. These files are unnecessary and can be removed.
Empty recycle bin - The Recycle Bin contains files you have deleted from your computer. These files are not permanently removed until you empty the Recycle Bin.
Remove Temporary files - Programs sometimes store temporary information in a Temp folder. Before a program quits, it usually deletes this information. You can safely delete temporary files that have not been modified in over a week.
Remove temporary offline files - Temporary offline files are local copies of recently used network files that are automatically cached for you so that you can use them when you are disconnected from the network.
Remove Active Setup Temp Folders
Remove memory dump files
Remove remote desktop cache files
Remove setup log files
Remove old system restore positions.
Remove web pages
Remove uninstall backup images
Remove webclient and web publisher cache files
Storage Sense - To clear disk space in computers running on Windows OS Version 1703 or above, you will have to enable Storage Sense and configure the scheduler. This will help you clear the temporary files, entries in recyle bin and the common downloads folder. Storage Sense will remove the following types of files,
Temporary setup files
Old indexed content
System cache files
Internet cache files
Device Driver packages
System downloaded program files
Dated system log files
System error memory dump files
System error minidump files
Temporary system files
Dated Windows update temporary files and for more related information, refer here
Disk Defragmenter: Select the drive that has to be defragmented and the required options and click Next. Seelct from the following options:
Verbose: Displays the complete analysis and defragmentation reports
Analyze: Analyzes the volume and displays a summary of the analysis report.
Force Defragmentation: Forces defragmentation of the drive regardless of whether it needs to be defragmented.
Using the Defining Targets procedure, define the targets for deploying the tasks.
Specify the following scheduling options:
Parameter | Description |
Run As* |
The name of the user as whom the task will be run. Click the |
Password |
The password of the user. |
Confirm Password |
Confirm the password again. |
Perform this task* |
Specify the time to perform the task. You can select from the following options:
Advanced Settings |
General |
Scheduled Task Completed |
Idle Time |
Select the required options:
Power Management |
Select the required options:
Click the Deploy button to deploy the task in the defined targets. The tasks will be run at the scheduled time and interval. The status of the tasks and its execution history can be verified from the Task Details page. Refer to the Viewing the Task History topic for details.
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