Steps to add applications after deployment

You can add and install the applications, scripts and drivers which are available as executables to the target computer after deployment. Follow the steps given below to add the application details depending on your requirement:

Note: Follow this link for a step-by-step guide to deploy Microsoft 365 application along with your OS image.

Add applications using EXE files

  1. Click Add applications
  2. Specify the Application name for the applications or scripts you are planning to add. 
  3. Specify the Application type
  4. Upload any executable like the application exe, driver exe or script. If you are adding more executables upload a script to silently install the excutables on the target computer
  5. Specify the silent switches or execution commandsto silently install the executables. If you have uploaded a script for silent installation, specify the command to execute the script.

    Some examples are:

    • googletalk-setup.exe /S
    • msiexec /package Application.msi /quiet

Add applications with folders

  1. Create a zip file of the folder containing the application that you are trying to install.

    For example, if your application is under the folder MsOffice2010\setup.exe, then create a zip file of the folder MsOffice2010.

  2. Follow this link to download the file and extract the zip file.
  3. Open the file and edit the Setup.bat file in Notepad.
  4. In the first line, replace the Zipfilenamewith the name of your .zip file.

    For example, if your zip file name is, edit the line

    7za.exe x -y "Zipfilename" to

    7za.exe x -y ""

  5. In the second line, replace the FolderNamewith the name of your application folder.

    For example, let us assume your application is under the folder, MsOffice2010\setup.exe.

    Then, edit the line cd "FolderName" to

    cd "MsOffice2010"

  6. In the third line, replace the "setup.exe" -silentswitch"with the installation command of your application.

    For example, if the command for your application is msoffice.exe /S,

    then edit the line START "" /WAIT "setup.exe" -silentswitch to

    START "" /WAIT msoffice.exe /S

  7. Now, save this bat file
  8. Execute the bat file in a physical (Target) machine manually to check if the application is installed successfully.
  9. In the web console, navigate to Customize->Customize Deployment->Add Applications
  10. Specify the Application name for the applications or scripts you are planning to add. 
  11. Specify the Application type
  12. Add the three files(, 7za.exe and Setup.bat) in the Upload application files to install field.
  13. Enter Setup.bat in the Specify Execution/Installation commands field
  14. Enter the Exit Code and the Installation Timeout Interval.
  15. Click Add.

Add applications using BAT files

  1. Click Add applications
  2. Specify the Application name for the applications or scripts you are planning to add. 
  3. Specify the Application type
  4. Upload the bat file of the application that is to be installed in the Upload application EXEs to installfield.

    For example, Setup.bat

  5. Specify the command to execute the bat file in the Specify Execution/Installation Commandsfield.

    For example, setup.bat -install -quiet

  6. Click Add.

Add applications using powershell script

  1. Click Add applications
  2. Specify the Application name for the applications or scripts you are planning to add. 
  3. Specify the Application type
  4. Upload the powershell script of the application that is to be installed in the Upload application EXEs to install field.
  5. Edit the following command with the name of the powershell script uploaded:

    powershell.exe -executionpolicy unrestricted -file <name>.ps1

    For example, powershell.exe -executionpolicy unrestricted -file config_user.ps1

  6. Enter the edited command, in the Specify Execution/Installation Commands field.
  7. Click Add.

After successful image deployment, applications will be installed on the target computer. 

Note: If an application is common for all customers, it can be added for all customers. If it is specific to a single customer, it should be added only for them.

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